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Boulders of Gold Discovered in Kalgoorlie

The Australian Gold Rush began in following gold discoveries at Coolgardie in 1892 and Kalgoorlie in 1893 located 370 miles (595 km) east-northeast of Perth. Once again, miners discovered two huge boulders with an extremely high gold content. Kalgoorlie is one of Australia’s most famous gold rush events because it was largely credited drawing people from around the world to search […]

Hoard of Roman Gold Found from the Last Days of Rome

There were more than 100 gold Roman coins discovered in a buried hoard in the Cressoni theatre in Como, north of Milan. What I have examined from the photographs supplied to me, is that this is a hoard from the virtual fall of Rome. The coins I identified were from the Puppet Emperor of Ricimer, a Germanic general who […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Updates on Currency – Share Markets & Gold for Month-End August 2018

  PRIVATE BLOG – We are Doing a Series of Updates on Gold, Share Markets & Currencies for the August Close because of its importance Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Gold & the Changing Fundamentals

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You are obviously the person worth listening to when it comes to gold. Every fundamental these people have argued to support gold has proven completely false. Confusion in gold is really very high. You have to be really stupid at this point to listen to this nonsense. Can you express any opinion on gold? […]

Shanghai 1930 Gold Backed Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what were the gold custom units issued by the Bank of China with the image of Sun Yat-sen. PHR ANSWER: The Customs Gold Unit (CGU) was the first peg to the US dollar. Here we have China issuing currency backed by the US dollar. It was a currency issued by the Central Bank of […]

Celtic Gold Ring Money Discovered in Ireland

Gold rings were discovered in Ireland and they seem to be uncertain about their original use. The Celts did not create their own coins for many centuries. They used ring money which is commonly found throughout Europe, north of Italy. Celtic ring money is typically bronze. However, it is known that the Minoians sailed into […]

Private Blogs for Gold – Dow – Euro

Three Private Blogs Have been posted for Gold – Dow – Euro closing 6/22/18

Malaysia Looking to file Lawsuit Against Goldman Sachs?

May was an important turning point in Southeast Asia. The corruption that has engulfed the previous Malaysian government centered around a sovereign wealth fund involving Goldman Sachs has rocked the entire Malaysian peninsula. The national debt, which was believed to have been $170 billion, appears to be more like $250 billion of 80% if the national […]

Private Blog – Three Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

  Private Blog Three Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

Three Private Blog Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow

Three Private Bog Posts – Euro – Gold – Dow