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Can Cryptocurrencies Survive WWIII?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You mention that cryptocurrency has been orchestrated to get people accustomed to cryptocurrencies for the end goal of the Great Reset – all digital currency so they can tax, absolutely every transaction. All popular blockchains are transparent and provide no privacy but there are some blockchains that do provide privacy and are […]

WHO’s Grand Play for World Power

QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will eventually be locking down for global warming. Will the next “pandemic” be a global warning thus locking down the entire world? BV ANSWER: I do […]

EU Internal Battle = Separatist

  The sanction imposed on Russia is an economic version of a nuclear war spearheaded by the United States without any consideration whatsoever. The United States was energy self-sufficient under Trump. Biden has taken every step to end fossil fuels and has had the audacity to turn to OPEC to ask for more supply while […]

The New Star Trek & World War III

  A lot of people have written in to ask if I have been consulted for the Star Trek series or if some have used our forecast to write scripts. I have not consulted on Star Trek. If people are tapping into our computer forecasts for ideas, I cannot confirm nor deny that. I understand […]

Zelensky & World War III

Our computer warned back in 2013 that Ukraine would be the place where World War III would begin. I warned that the ONLY way to prevent that was to split Ukraine based on the language. While the propaganda is that Kyiv is fighting for freedom and democracy, they have refused to allow Donbas to vote […]

The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism

QUESTION: Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011. ****Important question for Martin, please How can the fed raise rates with governments owing so much debt please ???? what are the consequences of debt restructured? 100 year treasury real estate Thanks […]

Propaganda From a Warzone

Politicians are using Ukraine as a photo opportunity. Would the most powerful government officials risk traveling there if Kyiv was under constant attack? Would they publicly stroll the streets in Russia’s alleged top target? Third in line to lead the US, 82-year-old Nancy Pelosi, insisted on putting a wall and armed guards around the US […]

The Declaration for the Future of the Internet

The internet has become the main source of social interaction, entertainment, and media. Almost everything we do is tied to the internet, which was once a free space. Governments across the world are now attempting to control the world wide web. In fact, the US, EU, and 32 other nations have announced a “Declaration for […]

Socrates & the Ruble

QUESTION: Marty; I just wanted to comment that I am amazed that Socrates forecast the ruble through this mess showing a directional change in April leaving the March low intact. The ruble turned with your ECM target of March 14. Congrats. Your accomplishment is worth a Noble Prize for it actually works. Nobody had correctly […]

Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. I am confused because you have stated many times that we are approaching the end of globalization, while at the same time saying the Great Reset, which is full globalization, is coming. Please explain. Thanks for your blog. JS ANSWER: Schwab’s Great Reset is the ATTEMPT to create a one-world government. Nonetheless, […]