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Cruz takes Iowa; Hillary in Dead Heat

The vote is in and Senator Ted Cruz has come out on top in the presidential caucuses in Iowa, beating Donald Trump. The Democratic vote resulted in a virtual dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Iowa, unfortunately, always votes religion before practical economics and it will ultimately be their own economic doom. Well, Christ […]

Hillary Says She is No Different From Obama Who Also Took Money From Bankers

Hillary Clinton continues to struggle against Bernie Sanders who has rightly pointed to her ties to Wall Street. They should put it out there straight: THE CLINTONS HANDED STUDENTS TO THE BANKERS. In an attempt to stand up to this criticism, which is really indefensible, Hillary said she is no closer to the nation’s largest banks […]

Trump Highlights the Hypocrisy of HIllary

Donald Trump slammed Hillary Clinton, who is championing the disarmament of America, by challenging her by saying bluntly that if guns do not keep people safe, then Hillary should travel without armed bodyguards to prove her position.

Why Won't the Press Reveal What Hillary Has Done to Students & Families?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, we saved for years to pay for our children to have an education. But tuition has exploded in price making the average student now dependent on student loans. Why do politicians have no heart? They seem to be just pure greedy evil people. Thank you for reporting it was Hillary who ruined our […]

Hillary for Prison 2016

Even Snowden believes that anyone, besides Hillary, would be in prison for mishandling top secret government information. While the government was being hacked, Hillary was storing a private server in a California bathroom. Snowden explains why he did what he did. It comes to a point when you just have to stand up for what you […]

Biden Bows to Hillary & Bankers

Joe Biden will not run. Sources say that Hillary has the banks locked-in for they owe the Clinton’s big time for (1) repealing Glass-Steagall, and (2) handing them student loans as non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. Those two factors mean that Biden would find it very difficult to match the money Hillary has coming from the bankers. […]

Democratic Debate: Hillary Made Student Loans Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy & Bernie Wants More Taxes

QUESTION: Marty, any comment on the Democratic debate? ANSWER: The debate was boring, pandering, with no vision or reality! Everyone said Hillary won. Bernie Sanders is a fool and wants to make everything free at the expense of the 1%, as if they could fund the entire government and population. When I was in Vermont for the TED […]

Hillary – Anyone Else Would Be Prosecuted

On Wednesday, NBC News host Chuck Todd said, “This is no longer — she can’t just say this is a partisan witch hunt by the House Republicans. The FBI is now investigating, regarding the classified info situation. And, look, the best explanation still questions her initial judgment of why did she do this in the first […]

Bye Bye Hillary? Or a Fight to the Bitter End?

Hillary’s dream of becoming the first woman president is evaporating rapidly. She leads Bernie Sander by only 8 point in New Hampshire when she was supposed to be the big name and her coronation as the next Democratic candidate was claimed to be the safest bet in Washington. But her obstruction of justice has violated everything from […]

Hillary’s E-mails – Astonishing

The most incredible aspect of Hillary’s e-mail scandal is the media’s total dismissal of a simple fact — Hillary DID NOT use the government’s e-mail system — she used her own. She claimed she was unaware that you could have two e-mails on one phone. That alone shows that she is not qualified to be […]