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The 2017 Year End Report Coming December 1st

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses from from the […]

WEC Orlando November 3rd & 4th

This Year’s Orlando WEC will be held November 3rd & 4th.  We will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences […]

The 2017 Year-End Report

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses not from the […]

2015.75 was Just the Beginning

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I have not forgotten when I saw the reportage about you on TV when you announced that in October 2015 will start the big economic collapse. do you think that that date was bit early or really there is some thing happened? Thank you very much Mr Martin. I’m one of your fans. […]

Norway – The Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund in the World

QUESTION: Martin, There are several news stories this past week reporting that Norway’s pension fund has reached $1 trillion dollars, or $190,000 per citizen. Are there some countries like Norway that will survive the coming pension crisis?   Thank You,   Alex   ANSWER: Not many. They are far and few between because Europe, Asia, […]

German Elections Void of Any Critical Discussion

The German Bundestag election campaign has seen a total black-out of any discussion of the major crisis that is building in Europe. Nobody is mentioning that Euro crisis, ECB monetary policy, disintegration of the EU, refugee crisis, pension crisis, the municipalities on the brink of insolvency, or the drastic increases in taxation coming AFTER the election that […]

Rogoff Tells Central Banks More Negative Interest Rates Will Be Needed

Kenneth Rogoff,  the Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is stuck in a time warp where he cannot think out of the box even once. He is telling the central banks that the next recession they will have to resort to negative interest rates and they should prepare now. Despite the fact that negative rates have […]

Freedom of Speech Comes to an End in Germany

  The most anti-democratic law perhaps ever to pass any western government just passed in the German Bundestag last week. Even the opposition Social Democratic Party (SPD) votes to suppress free speech and it is all geared to end criticism of government. This new law obligates the operators of social networks to block off anything that […]

The Frankfurt Special Seminar July 22nd, 2017

  The July 22nd, 2017 Frankfurt half-day seminar will be targeting Europe. The week before is a rather important turning point and if Theresa May cannot form a government within a week or so, we are looking at sheer chaos now coming from Britain. The entire EU is coming unglued. We have a major pension crisis […]

2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences This year’s Orlando World Economic Conference is going to be important. Things are shaping up political to be a real nightmare and the markets are reflecting total confusion. As we head into 2018, this may actually present not the trade of a lifetime, but the trade of several lifetimes. As they […]