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The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

I warned ion the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate cryptos because Russia can use it to circumvent sanctions. Not only is Biden authorizing the regulation of digital currencies, but he is […]

Lies, Lies & More Lies from the Financial Press

COMMENT: Marty; the Fed quietly published the banks it was funding in the Repo Crisis. I just wanted to say, you are always right. The press claimed it was tax time, but you said it was the crisis in European banks. Your sources are always spot on. Thanks for the light of truth. PG REPLY: […]

China v USA

The new report on the origins of COVID will point the finger at a lab leak in Wuhan. China is getting its back up and warning this will only lead to racism in the United States. I fully agree with China, but I ADVISE that they investigate further. There was most likely a lab leak, […]

Behind the Curtain

  Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain. I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones. That is the real […]

The Future & Chaos

COMMENT #1: Marty, Does this all mean that this takeover can make the canceling of physical USD possible, maybe as soon as January to line up with Europe? Previously you responded to my email question on a digital dollar and said that they couldn’t do that since over 70% of cash was held overseas. Can this […]

Something is Wrong

    QUESTION: At the WEC in Orlando, you said something was wrong. Was the computer picking up this event of a crash being contrived? JF ANSWER: The computer clearly was picking something beginning in August 2019, which corresponded to the start of the Repo Crisis and the reaction high in the Russel 2000. Yes, […]

Nobody Will Accept the 2020 Election Result

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Socrates deserves a Nobel Prize for it is the only thing to forecast so many trends correctly. Now the news is that Trump may not accept the election results. I have followed you for years. You are certainly not one of these people who make one forecast and run ads as the […]

Risk Seems to be Everywhere

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thank you for your commitment to helping others through this unsettling time. Long before I found you, I was fascinated with the capital markets and historical financial crashes, in particular. I spent many years on Wall Street (and LaSalle ST) building and marketing trading systems for the listed options industry. Through the numerous […]

Michigan’s Trojan Horse to Open the Door for Judges to Order People Be Implanted with Tracking Chips

I have a correction to make. Gretchen Esther Whitmer is a Democrat serving as the 49th governor of Michigan. When I first reported that a bill prohibiting employers from implanting chips into their employees, it did seem a bit strange that a Democrat would actually protect the people against this hidden agenda of Bill Gates […]

How Can Socrates Forecast Things Well in Advance?

QUESTION: Martin – In the video link you see the blank answer by former Fed Chairman Bernanke when asked, in a 60 Minutes interview, as to where he saw unemployment going/peaking in the last crisis of 2008 (at minute 3:27). How do you best explain Socrates being able to pick up so far in […]