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Home Schooling Rising As Alternative to Vaccines

My concern about this vaccine movement is straight-forward – NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW! Why do Pharmaceutical Companies need absolute immunity if the vaccines they are forcing on children are safe? There should be testing of the children who have died to determine what combination of vaccines and in what order they might become lethal weapons […]

If Vaccines are Safe Why Did Congress Eliminate Your Right to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies?

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for your blog on “Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity”. We are dealing with the same laws trying to be passed in Oregon. There is so much hatred towards those that don’t fully vaccinate in our society. My brother-in-law (who is a MD) and his family will not visit us […]

Vaccines & Corruption

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for addressing the vaccine crisis in this country. You are brave indeed to always stand up for what is right. Obviously, that’s why they try to shut you up. Your courage is infecting. Keep it up! DV COMMENT #2: Thank you for your blogs on vaccines. Here in California, […]

Democrats Kicking Biden Out

It began with Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump, followed by a series of gaffes on the global stage. The public has been carefully watching Biden for signs of cognitive decline, of which there have been plenty. First, the media began to cover stories highlighting Biden’s failing cognition, with commentators questioning Biden’s ability to serve […]

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public servants have been bought out by lobbyists and they no longer work for the public. A bipartisan group is passing on a formal consideration to prevent members of Congress and […]

The Black Death is Back

Health agencies reported new cases of “The Black Death,” officially known as the bacterium Yersinia pestis in the United States. The plague is transmitted through fleas and is notoriously known for claiming the lives of over half of Europe’s population. “Plague can be treated successfully with antibiotics, but an infected person must be treated promptly […]

Democrats Want Kennedy off the Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a man of the people who has been fighting the corrupt system to remain on the ballots. The mainstream media refuses to cover Kennedy’s ideals or policies. A simple Google search for the presidential candidate yields asinine results with no correlation to his candidacy. Since he announced his presidential ambitions, […]

RFK & Trump a Triumvirate Winning Ticket

Let’s face the facts. The position of Vice President is far from the limelight. Rarely do you hear about a Vice President making policy except to line their pockets, as Biden did in Ukraine. I am proposing a Triumvirate arrangement where the 2024 winning ticket would be for RFK Jr. to join Trump not as […]

Drafting Males & Females for the Neocon’s War to Conquer Russia

Involuntary Draft for Males and Females Ages 18-26   The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2025, authorized a Mandatory Military Selective Service Act for American women. The selective service program is a way to implement a military draft for women in the USA. There have been some lawmakers who oppose this […]

Fauci Admits School Closures were Unnecessary

Schools across America shut down for over a year due to “the science” citing that social distancing was the only way to save the world from a deadly plague. Dr. Anthony Fauci has been revealing damning truths during his trial with the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic who is demanding answers. Fauci first […]