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The Press Makes the News – They No longer Report It – A Sign of the End of Political Times

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong – On 08/23 you wrote a blog entry that seems to espouse two incongruous claims: (1) That the press has distorted & propagandized its news reporting so egregiously now that the American people give little credence to what it tells them (as evidenced by the Gallup polls results you showed), and (2) […]

Avenatti & NBC Get Caught Manipulating News?

Every time we turn around there is another so-called journalist who believes the freedom of speech is their freedom to distort the news to support what they would personally prefer. Now the controversy turns to spotlight Kate Snow at NBC who appears to have sat on a story given to her by the questionable activist lawyer Michael Avenatti […]

Merkel Has been the Face of Europe – So Get Ready!!!!

  Merkel has been the face of Europe – good, bad, or indifferent. Germany has been the major economy in Europe with France a distant second. We must understand that the fate of the Euro hinges on this position of Merkel. She has been a staunch supporter of austerity and the Green and AfD are […]

Merkel to Step Down as Leader of CDU

We ABSOLUTELY must understand that Merkel is on her way out and she has been the face of the entire European Union. This is incredibly important for it WILL ultimately undermine the Euro itself. Keep in mind that the entire play within Euroland has been to buy the Bunds and sell just about everything else. The […]

Europe & Risk of Revolution

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr Armstrong, for your lifetime work. mindblowing as always. I picture Europe now as Greece during the Roman Republic (before its conquest). isolated, corrupted to the core. And the US as the new Roman Republic. Will it become an empire after 2032? Marius was the man of the people and in the end, […]

Hesse German Election – Merkel’s CDU Loses Significantly

  Both the SPD and the CDU have suffered serious major losses in the state elections in Hesse. The CDU and SPD have accepted the expected clear defeat where they lost some 10% of the votes compared to the last election and it is really all about the Refugee issue. The Greens have won sharply as […]

Sociopathy & Politics

COMMENT: What you discuss in “Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf” and “Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win” are the ice people described in “The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.” These are people with no conscience. Because your blog reminded me of the book, I am re-reading it. As the author says: “Sociopathy is […]

The Smear Tactics in Politics

  This is a video of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) explaining what in politics is a tactic to smear someone with false allegations to destroy an opponent. They call it the “wrap-up smear” and it is clearly what they did to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. By no means is this limited to just Democrats […]

Does Society Turn More Violent During its End Times?

QUESTION: Is MMA the new Roman Colosseum? I’m a layman in history but didn’t blood sports rise in popularity during Rome’s decline? Now everyone and their mother is talking about MMA, and random celebrities e.g. Logan Paul or now Trump Jr. are jumping in the octagon or being challenged. JR ANSWER: Yes. For some reason, society […]

Pension Crisis hits Russia

Vladimir Putin tried to reform Russia’s pensions system which is crumbling as is the case in the West. This giant Ponzi Scheme is collapsing and it has been the heart of Socialism. Putin’s approval rating plummeted this year in the aftermath dropping from 82% in April 2018, dropping to 66% here in October 2018. His decision to […]