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Ukraine is a Disaster, Putin is the Moderate, & Truth is the Victim

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, At first, I questioned why you were more pro-Putin than the media. But given your reliable forecasting and being renowned for your sources, I kept an open mind. Whilst it is becoming clear that Putin has been going after the people who wanted to nuke and totally invade Ukraine, the media […]

Project Veritas Exposes NYC Migrant Crisis

The Banking Crisis Of All Time

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your knowledge and database on financial crises is really unprecedented. I googled the first banking crisis and it brought up only the Crisis of 1763, which started in Amsterdam. Yet that list published in the WSJ which showed 1683 as the first panic and the siege of Vienna was most interesting. I […]

Indictment Backlash

Trump said from the beginning that his arrest would blow up in Biden’s face. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would not honor any request to extradite the former president and called the situation “un-American.” “The weaponization of the legal system to advance a political agenda turns the rule of law on its head,” DeSantis […]

Gold v Dollar

QUESTION #1:  Marty, Thanks for your interesting post about gold and China. Which do you think will perform better this year, gold or the dollar? Thank you. DM QUESTION #2: Marty, obviously the motive behind China buying gold is critical. I tried to explain that to a goldbug. It went in one ear and out […]

UK Energy Bills Expected to Rise 80% in October

The entire West will face higher energy prices due to climate initiatives and Russian sanctions. The British energy regulator Ofgem released a troubling report citing that the average household will pay $4,200 on energy over the next year, compared to the current $2,330 annual average. The UK raised its energy price cap in April by […]

Christian Persecutions in the US

The Roe v. Wade repeal has led to a widespread string of attacks on Christians across the United States. Sadly, these people do not realize that blue states will remain largely unaffected by this verdict. The decision will simply be made at the state level. Persecutions against Christians are on the rise and independent branches […]

CDC to Study Ivermectin Treatment

The CDC will finally begin testing ivermectin as a treatment for the coronavirus (fast forward to around the 17:00 mark). Doctors and health professionals have been urging officials to approve of ivermectin as it has proven to be effective in diminishing symptoms. The ongoing joke was that conspiracy theorists were taking horse paste (ivermectin) rather […]

Shipping Container Price Surge Will Result in Increased Prices on Consumer Goods

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) announced that we should expect consumer prices to rise 1.5% on average over the next year due to the global shipping crisis. Inflation, fuel increases, and labor shortages are among the many factors that have caused shipping costs to spike. “UNCTAD’s analysis shows that the current […]

Spending 0.7% Global GDP on Climate Change

  The current flooding in Glasgow, Scotland, aligns with cyclical weather patterns. Of course, climate change alarmists are causing shockwaves of panic throughout the media. As you can see from the images above, fears regarding the weather have prevailed throughout time. The heavy rain is occurring days prior to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change […]