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Interest Rates and the Great Global Crisis

COMMENT: I attended your 2016 WEC and I thought you would be wrong that interest rates would rise and the whole big bang thing. Rates have risen only in the US, the pension crisis is clearly unfolding, and states have been going bust. Now there is the Repo Crisis and I did buy the report. […]

Market Talk – January 21, 2020

ASIA: Many business leaders at the World Economic Forum raised concerns over whether the latest round of trade negotiations between China and US will result in a “phase two” deal before the end of President Donald’s first term. The biggest roadblocks that leaders identified for the phase two deal are US tariffs on Chinese goods […]

Biblical Swarms of Locusts Threaten Food Supply to a New Virus that Kills

Many people have been writing in highlighting things around the world that all seem to be taking place with this turn in the ECM. One is the sudden swarm of Locusts into Kenya that the UN has warned presents an ‘extreme danger’ to wipe out the food supply. Sky News reports it as the worst […]

Market Talk – January 17, 2020

ASIA: China’s annual growth rate was reported as its weakest in 29 years. The growth rate was 6.1% with Chinese officials stating that the economy was stable. Other numbers reported were that population growth was also slowing with Chinese citizens having fewer children than in previous years. Malaysia is talking to the Indian government and […]

Market Talk – January 16, 2020

ASIA: The Trump administration is looking to make progress in phase two trade talks with China, according to a statement made today by White House trade adviser Peter Navarro. The US wants to work on preventing China from subsidizing its state-owned enterprises. “It’s just insane that Chinese government officials continue to hack into American businesses […]

Market Talk – January 15, 2020

ASIA: After more than two years of rising tension, the US and China have signed a deal aimed at calming trade frictions. The agreement has been hard-fought, but it is unclear how much economic relief from their trade war it will offer. Tariffs will largely remain in place. Analysts say it’s unlikely that the deal […]

Is Climate Change Dispute the Same As the Fall of Rome?

Climate Change has become a fanatical religion because there is no proof and it rests entirely on belief. This is taking on the traits of the religious dispute which marked the fall of Rome – Pagans v Christianity. Like the Pagans, they immediately attack anyone who dares to disagree with them and they will not […]

Market Talk – January 14, 2020

ASIA: President Trump’s trade war with Beijing reduced the US’ trade deficit with China last year, although Chinese manufacturers still export far more to the US than vice versa. China’s widening surplus provided ready ammunition to the Trump administration as it placed round after round of tariffs on the country’s goods to get Beijing to […]

Market Talk – January 13, 2020

  ASIA: All eyes will be on the signing of the US and China trade deal that is due to occur on Wednesday when Vice Premier Liu will be heading with his entourage to Washington. It seems previous tensions are easing ahead of the talks. The US today removed China off the currency manipulator list […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2020

ASIA: Apple saw a huge boost in iPhone sales in China last month, but embattled tech giant Huawei won’t giving up the top spot anytime soon. Sales for the iPhone jumped 18% in December compared to the same month a year earlier, according to data from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology. The […]