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Our Extreme Long-Term Model Forecasting Tools

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Your reputation precedes you. They call you the legend because you have been the only analyst who forecasts events years in advance. Throughout the rise and fall the stock market, you called for only 2 year correction from 2000 and 2008 and the market would remain in a bullish trend. I read […]

Market Talk – January 12, 2023

ASIA:   China’s economic growth is likely to rebound to 4.9% in 2023, before steadying in 2024, a Reuters poll showed, as policymakers pledge to step up support for the COVID-ravaged economy. Gross domestic product (GDP) likely grew just 2.8% in 2022 as lockdowns weighed on activity and confidence, according to the median forecasts of […]

Market Talk – January 11, 2023

  ASIA:   A World Bank report has projected India’s economy to grow 6.9 percent in FY23, much lower than the 8.7 percent growth achieved by the country in the previous financial year. “Growth in India is projected to slow from 8.7 percent in FY2021/22 to 6.9 percent in FY2022/23, the latter revised 0.6 percentage […]

Gold v Dollar

QUESTION #1:  Marty, Thanks for your interesting post about gold and China. Which do you think will perform better this year, gold or the dollar? Thank you. DM QUESTION #2: Marty, obviously the motive behind China buying gold is critical. I tried to explain that to a goldbug. It went in one ear and out […]

Hoards in History

QUESTION: I find it fascinating how you bring much more detail to life in your work. I have read your latest book Plot to Seize Russia. I knew many of those events took place but never the background. What an excellent job. You have to get this out in paperback for the world to see. […]

The Fed & the Misinformation

QUESTION: Marty, I was there at your Berlin conference when one of the attendees openly admitted he was from the Bundesbank. He was very open about it. There have been other central bankers at your WEC. I suppose they have to attend just to get a whiff of the trend. Powell has come out and […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2023

ASIA:   China suspended issuing short-term visas in South Korea and Japan on Tuesday, after announcing it would retaliate against countries that required negative COVID-19 tests from Chinese travelers. In the first retaliatory move, the Chinese embassy in South Korea suspended issuing short-term visas for South Korean visitors. It would adjust the policy subject to […]

What’s Going on with Gold?

The goldbugs are cheering that there has been a central bank buying of gold. They think somehow that this is because they are bullish on gold. What seems to be going over their heads is what I warned before – when China starts to sell US debt, war is coming.  I have made it very […]

Market Talk – January 9, 2023

ASIA:   The Bank of Japan is considering revising its inflation forecasts upward, sources familiar with the central bank’s thinking said Friday, in a move that could fuel market speculation that the BOJ is set to shift away from its aggressive monetary easing. The revisions would include raising its core consumer inflation outlook for fiscal […]

Zelensky’s Holy War – Seizing Russian Churches

COMMENT: Marty, I just read that Ukraine seized control of a Russian Orthodox Church that has been there for a century. You were correct. Zelensky has also made this a holy war. The Ukrainian people should rise up against this guy. He is killing them all for hatred. SH REPLY. I have had staff on […]