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Market Talk – October 12, 2023

ASIA:   India’s youth population has been a source of economic optimism, but declining fertility rates are leading to a rapid aging of the population. According to a recent United Nations report, India’s elderly population (over 60 years old) is expected to grow by 41% between 2021 and 2031, and they will outnumber children under […]

Market Talk – October 11, 2023

ASIA: The ruling Communist Party of China has expelled Liu Liange, the former chairman of the state-owned Bank of China, from the party due to allegations of illegal activities and bribery. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) accused him of granting loans illegally, causing financial risks, importing prohibited publications, accepting bribes, and enjoying entertainment […]

Florida Power & Light Successfully Lobbied DeSantis

The Florida Supreme Court denied Florida Power & Light’s request to spike energy rates by 20%. The court demands that state regulators properly explain the need for the drastic spike in rates. Floridians Against Increased Rates, Florida Rising, the Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida, and the League of United Latin American Citizens of Florida took […]

Unleash Your Trading Potential: Join Us for the Advanced Trading Webinar Q3 2023

Unleash Your Trading Potential: Join Us for the Advanced Trading Webinar Q3 2023 In the dynamic world of finance, staying ahead of the curve is essential. The markets are constantly evolving, and to thrive, you need to continuously upgrade your trading skills and knowledge. We understand the challenges you face, and that’s why we’re excited […]

Rule of Law & Prosecutors Are ALWAYS Above the Law

Anyone who thinks prosecutors are to be trusted is out of your mind. I have NEVER met one that had an ounce of honesty or ethics. It is extremely rare for any court actually to go after a prosecutor. Perhaps one in a billion. They are on the same team to uphold their 99% conviction […]

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. […]

When will the Great Unwashed Wake Up?

COMMENT: Now that it is painfully clear , there is no law in the United States, my question would be how long before the great unwashed, realize this ? I understand Socrates, is looking into 2024 , in the panic cycle increasing . What I see coming , are the populations of the world finally […]

Dating in America

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You are so right about this country being totally screwed. I dated a girl three times. Everything seemed OK. We had similar goals and interests. Then I mentioned the Trump indictment. Suddenly, she just said, oh, you are a Trump supporter. The conversation turned cold, and suddenly, I saw a look of […]

Market Talk – August 8, 2023

ASIA:   Stripe, a US-based payments processor, has released a report discussing how digital trade is reshaping the global economy and how businesses are responding. The report is based on transaction data from Stripe’s platform and surveys of business leaders and consumers across nine countries. It highlights how technology is diversifying international trade routes and […]

AI & Self-Awareness

QUESTION: You do not see AI as actually becoming conscious? There are so many claiming that is the future. Are you hiring programmers in machine language? LK   ANSWER: Let me explain something. Most generative AI models today are being trained and run in the cloud. These models are language-oriented, generating text. They are often […]