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France on Verge of Bankruptcy?

Hollende admits that France is on the verge of Bankruptcy, and he has the lowest popularity of perhaps any politician in history anywhere. Nonetheless, he asks the French people to be patient and let him work on this until his term ends – 2017. There is no way France will survive.

Rigging Elections in Ukraine – As Always

A car was seized outside of Donetsk loaded with ballots for the May 11th election to join Russia. They were already stamped YES. This is just indicative of how elections have been carried out there. Yanukovich had tons of fake ballots the very same way in his mansion suggesting he was never the real winner […]

Global Market Watch for May 9th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 9th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Pope Francis – & Social Justice

Pope Francis is sadly getting his two-cents in on economics. Someone had better explain to him that these ideas of “social justice” have led to the death of tens of millions of people. He called Friday for governments to redistribute wealth to the poor in a new spirit of generosity to help curb the “economy […]

Why The Republican Leadership Needs to Go – It is Political Civil War

  Walter Jones – One of the Last Fiscal Conservatives Still Standing The Republican Elite Beltway establishment is celebrating the victory of Thom Tillis, Speaker of the North Carolina House, over his Tea Party and Evangelical rivals in Tuesday’s primary for the U.S. Senate. However, the deliberate assault upon Walter Jones by John Boehner has […]

Unions want to Tax Exchanges to Pay For Their Pensions

Believe it or not, teacher unions only see their own situation. Unions have destroyed Philadelphia. The Convention Center is a huge loss because of the demands of the unions. Now, the Chicago Teachers Unions are arguing to tax the exchanges in Chicago to pay for their lavish pensions.   In New York, Nurses want to […]

Taxing Whatever Moves – A Political Tradition

COMMENT: Your forecast on marijuana was fascinating. I assume it lined up with the Sovereign Debt Crisis starting in 2010 and therefore the economic pressure would cause the change by 2013. Very interesting. GH REPLY: Yes, you are correct. This is why I say ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is 100% Connected. The introduction of the Marijuana Tax […]

Bull Market in Taxes

In the UK, people are suddenly shocked that the government can simply just grab money out of your account without any court order or a right to object in advance as reported by the Telegraph. The desperate need for cash is rising and after 2015.75, hold-on to your nickers – we will see significant increases […]

Global Market Watch for May 8th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 8th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Weak Demand at Long-Term Treasury Auction

The Treasury Department saw the weakest demand since August 2011 in a sale of 30-year Treasury bonds today. The demand for long-term bonds that has driven interest rates well below the old benchmark of 8% has been the rise in demand for pensions. As the Baby-Boomers were getting closer to retirement, the bid for “safe” […]