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Geopolitical Chaos

Our Cycle of War has gathered countless emails asking how do we do this. It is hard to describe but everything is absolutely connected. To be correct on markets requires the correct view on so many other aspects. Russia sent planes close to California and Guam just to show the US they can bomb US […]

Global Market Watch for May 6th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 6th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Banks Close in Donetsk – A Lesson for the Rest of Us

What is happening in Donetsk is by the classic book on how to wipe out an economy. The banking system has shut down. The banks simply have said it is too dangerous for their staff to work. The only way to get any money is using a bank card but that will soon run out. Ukraine’s […]

Spring Maybe in the Air – But there is also the Scent of War

There seems to be a real hatred of Ukrainians building among the Russian extremists. On Facebook, there are forums with hit lists of Ukrainians to be killed. Russian extremists/terrorists discuss on their forum which Ukrainians they will kill next. They publish names, addresses, phone numbers even. The reasoning seems to be geared to kill “activists of the […]

EU Politicians See the 2 Greatest Problems – Tax Evasion & Unemployment

  Martin Schultz This is the real problem we face and why we are headed into the worst economic collapse in modern times. These brain-dead politicians just are too stupid to comprehend that the higher you raise taxes, then the less people invest, trade, and that causes the economy to turn down and unemployment to […]

Global Market Watch for May 5th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of May 5th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Downs & Armstrong DIscusion From Capitol Hill May 5, 2014

 Topics – Republican Party Civil War & Protecting the Banks  

Ukraine – Facts Really Do Not Matter

The Ukrainians continue to try to defend against the Russian propaganda that pictures them as fascists to justify invasion. But facts do not really matter in the game of world politics. A Russian invasion of Ukraine seems to be increasing in likelihood. With the Russian economy turning down, the economic pressure will continue to increase […]

Collectibles Still Strong

The world’s most valuable stamp is going up for sale at Sotheby in New York. It is the only surviving example of the ‘emergency’ stamps issued by the British Guiana postmaster in 1856. This specimen was discovered in a stack of papers in 1873 and sold for just six shillings. It was later purchased by a Liverpool stamp […]

Spain & Portugal – Jews Invited to Return

  Perhaps it is fate, but Spain was united with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella and in 1492, they not merely funded Christopher Columbus, they also began the expulsion of the Jews and Muslims. Christopher Columbus’s diary begins: “In the same month in which their Majesties [Ferdinand and Isabella] issued the edict that all Jews […]