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Scottish Independence

Boy – the difference a year makes. Previously, the claim for Scottish Independence stood at about an expected 7% vote. Now, the landmark ICM survey revealed Sunday a decline of the No vote from 46 per cent to 42 percent over the past month alone. At the same time the Yes vote remained steady at […]

The Sad Part of the Ukrainian Revolution

The Ukrainian soldiers have nothing. People were donating money to support them. However, the West’s injection of career politicians only replaced the head – Yanukovich. What is going on now is the corruption the people were revolting against is still in place. The people may have won the battle, but they did not win their […]

Complexity in Trends

COMMENT:  Marty, This is a European reply to the Ukraine / CIA coup etc. discussion. For me, you now hit the nail on the head for we are experiencing both: revolutions AND coups ! Yes, there is global uprising by people against their corrupt government. By the way this is happening in every country, if you […]

Conspiracy – Or Just One Step at a Time?

QUESTION: You say there was no CIA plot in Ukraine and I can see that not even Britain was willing to send troops to Ukraine because of this popular story of a CIA instigated revolution. The feeling in Europe is precisely that. To defend Ukraine would be another Iraq and America cannot be trusted. Whilst […]

Most Expensive House in USA Sells for $147 million

Barry Rosenstein, the hedge fund manager of Jana Partners, is paying $147 million for a property on exclusive Further Lane, Long Island, New York. This now sets the record for the most expensive house sold illustrating that the top end of the market is still booming into new highs while the low-end falls and the middle […]

Comment from Eastern Ukraine

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You are the only person who seems to understand our true crisis in Ukraine. Thank you so much for defending our people against the Russian propaganda that we are some sort of fascist CIA plot. I am writing to you because people I know have been kidnapped, tortured, and murdered for being […]

The Ukrainian Joke about the CIA

  The story about the CIA conspiracy is seen in Ukraine as Russian propaganda to disarm any support for the Ukrainian Revolution. In the West, the conspiracy people have loved this CIA plot and they have been seen as the pawns of Russia from the Ukrainian point of view. Here is the joke about the […]

Propaganda & Children – Always the First Target of Leaders

Government always seek to use propaganda to alter the views of children. They are doing this with global warming in American schools. As war approaches, this introduces new influences to inject into the minds of children. NO government is exempt from this practice. Tin Russia, they are using the alphabet in an attempt to turn […]

Ukraine Moving into Civil War – Turkey in Constitutional Crisis

There is not much left to be said. Christine Lagarde is a very evil manipulator. She has blackmailed Ukraine into fighting Russia head-to-head or she will pull the plug on IMF loans. The civil war burst out in full view in Odessa. Ukraine has 45 million people so it is not a small incidental republic […]

Why Will the Downturn 2015.75-2020.03 be Far Worse Than Before?

With each downturn in the Economic Confidence Model in this 51.6 year long-wave, the decline gets worse and the volatility rises. This is part of the process building until we reach the cataclysmic turned at the end 2032. The polls in Austria are very interesting for this has been a nation that historically represents the […]