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Have Our Politicians Set in Motion The Decline in the USA?

  Violent crimes are up 120% in the first 10 days in NYC for 2021 compared to 2020. While a portion of this has been inspired by the Democrats initially supporting the Defund Police before the election, most of the crime has risen simply because of the destruction in jobs thanks to lockdowns. The NYPD […]

Happy Thanksgiving

HAPPY THANKSGIVING We the great unwashed, are supposed to be denied family contact for today as well as Christmas. Governor Cuomo invited his mother and thought he could sneak that one past everyone. Only when people became outraged was he forced to revoke that invitation. This just shows the arrogance of these people because they […]

I do Not Think Trump will Win

COMMENT: You only support Trump. Get back to reality. GA   REPLY: Your hatred for Trump will be your undoing. I do NOT believe Trump will reverse the election. This election has been so corrupt it will go down in history. But Trump will never be able to prove that in time. Mark Zuckerberg and […]

Why America Faces a Civil War – There is no Alternative

This election is unlike anything ever before. The Democrats lied to the people promising they will create jobs without mentioning that they are in league with the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset as is Canada for Agenda 2030 which has to first destroy as many jobs as possible. What the Democrats are doing […]

It Has Begun

  Suffice it to say, Europe has been conquered according to VERY RELIABLE SOURCES, and as such, the main focus has been on subjugating the Anglo-Saxon countries. This is why we see absolutely ruthless activity on the part of politicians in New Zealand and Britain with the leader being Australia. Canada has already shut its […]

Using Offshore & Private Contractors To Commit Illegal Acts

QUESTION: Marty; Do you have an opinion of Millie Weaver’s Shadow Gate? Infowars has an exaggerated position in many areas. Would you care to comment on this position? JH ANSWER: I think all you have to do is watch the movie on Snowden and you will come to realize that clandestine schemes always run on […]

Domestic Violence, Child Abuse & Crime All on the Rise

QUESTION: Re The Consequences of Shelter In Place Hi Marty, It is very sad to see but reports of domestic violence are up considerably. The risks are always there but sudden stress of job loss combined with the pressure cooker of being cooped up with an abusive partner are a recipe for disaster. Are more […]

A Bear Market is Not Likely in the Most Hated Bull Market in History?

Well, here we go again. These people who claim to be experts are warning that it is the fallout from the global coronavirus outbreak that has caused the crash and one says this could be “worse than the financial crisis” of 2008. Another analyst claims to have forecast the 2008 Financial Crisis is now saying […]

How to Redesign Government for the Next Generation post-2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your great insights! We are thankful. Often you have stated that you are happy that you do not have the age of 25, because of the chaos and economic crises coming ahead. Unfortunately, many of us (just like me) are 25 years old at this point in time. What […]

The Dow & the Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Marty, I have to laugh. Only those who have followed you more 20 years understand you have discovered the hidden order behind the facade. Fantastic call on this turn in the ECM. Once again to the very day in the Dow. And people do not think your model is real? They must be idiots […]