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Market Talk- May 11, 2018

Shanghai finished the day with a small loss (-0.35%) and the ASX closed almost unchanged, but all other core markets saw very strong returns. The Nikkei led the bunch with an impressive +1.2% gain, whilst the Hang Seng and SENSEX both added around 1%. Hong Kong’s rally today completed five days of positive returns taking […]

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by converting to the Euro than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Why? Currency Inflation! My question is if it is not the quantity of money that is making $1 million buy […]

Keeping the Private Blog – Private

COMMENT: Thank you for the Private Blog. It keeps the rift-raft out. They can bash you all they want and claim you only forecast long-term trends. Yor call on the Euro was great and then you said it would bottom on Wednesday this week. I covered my shorts and it was a real bounce today. […]

Market Talk- May 10, 2018

The energy price rally was again the reason given for positive equity markets around the world and Asia benefited also. The Hang Seng (+0.9%) performed the best, but only just edging out the +0.8% rally seen in the KOPSI index. Retail tech and financials helped the run, whilst currency movements also play their part. The […]

Market Talk- May 9th, 2018

Asian markets were in two minds whether to follow energy prices or industrial metals after the news from Washington yesterday. The Nikkei (-0.4%) interpreted it as negative and hit stocks from the opening bell, but did not really go anywhere from then onward. The JPY has resumed its downward trend and is this evening flirting […]

Why National Debts Eventually Default

  QUESTION: If governments have been borrowing without limit since world war 2, are you saying that there is some line that is cross in debt to GDP that results in default? Thank you JU ANSWER: No. The debt to GDP ratio is interesting. The USA is at about 103% and China is at 250%. […]

Has Draghi Just Lost It?

QUESTION: Why are long-term yields on risky European debt below that of US Treasuries? Is this the European bubble madness? HN, Frankfurt ANSWER: This is unquestionably a bubble, but the buyer has been the ECB (European Central Bank). Yields on risky European bonds have been driven below the yields of long-dated US securities. The financial system […]

Market Talk- May 8th, 2018

Although we await US President Trump’s Iran Nuclear address later this afternoon, Asian markets still closed better bid across the boards. Most of this was associated to the regional currency declines, but we did see some markets that performed. In Hong Kong the Hang Seng opened over 1% higher and continued to make progress for […]

Has the Dollar Turned?

QUESTION: You models called for a rally in the pound sterling into April and it seems like that is spot on. We did bounce off of the 144 level.  In your year-end report, you said the resistance in the pound for 2018 was at the 14500-14600 level throughout 2018. Living here in Britain, I really […]

Market Talk- May 7, 2018

Shanghai was the star performer today, gaining 1.5% as moves to open the domestic market continues to progress. New rules that will allow overseas listed companies to list domestically is a strong signal that China is open (and encouraged) for business. News that the regulator is to issue draft rules surrounding the issuance of CDR’s […]