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Global Market Watch for April 29th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 29th, 2014. Global Market Watch

This is why Judges Cannot be State Employees – He OK’d Selling Woman’s Home to Pay $6.30 in Taxes

  Beaver County Common Pleas Judge Gus Kwidis is the classic illustration of absolute tyranny. This man ruled that a widow’s home worth $230,000 be auctioned off to pay $6.30 in taxes owed to the State. This is why I say we do not live in a free country when you can be broke you […]

Kerry Said NATO Territory will be defended to every Inch

The US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Russia today stating that NATO territory was inviolable and the alliance would defend every inch of it. But what does this actually mean? Ukraine is not part of NATO. Hence, he has stated in clear lawyer talk that they will not defend Ukraine. Kerry said: “We have to […]

SEC – Markets Are Not Rigged

Mary Jo White, head of the SEC told Congress that the allegations in Michael Lewis’ new book about high-frequency trading markets are false. She bluntly stated that the “markets are not rigged.” I know Mary Jo White personally and I am no fan to say the least. However, on this comment she is correct. White’s […]

Donetsk Pro-Ukrainian Rally turned Bloody – 7 Kidnapped Presumed Murdered

The peaceful rally yesterday in Donetsk by pro-Ukrainians in the East who do not want to join Russia turned bloody and violent. You can no longer find Ukrainian flags for sale – only Russian in the stores. Countless people were beaten as the police did absolutely nothing. However, 7 were kidnapped and believed to be […]

Ukrainian News Reports US Has Intercepted Communication of Moscow Directing Pro-Russians in Eastern Ukraine

The Ukrainian version of Pravda (Truth) has reported that US intelligence has intercepted a conversation between the Kremlin and its spies in Eastern Ukraine. All of our sources and plain common sense with men in professional military uniforms without markings does not hide the fact that Russia has already invaded and controls the Eastern region […]

European Banks & Massive Exposure to Russia – Oops!

Just as the American banks ran with open-arms into South America during the 1970s and ended up with loans defaulting, we may see the economic war against Russia backfire as lawyer-politicians never seem to comprehend this is a global economy with all sorts of intricate entanglements. We may see that the European banking crisis simply […]

Russia Imports More than it Sells – Oops – More Craziness

Sanctions upon Russia are more-likely-than-not going to backfire. Russia imports food from the West while it may sell gas to Europe. However, Russia imports more goods than it produces, and this trend can be reversed by sanctions. If I were Putin, I would put a tariff on imported food to match sanctions and hurt the […]

Global Market Watch – April 28th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 28th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Russia using Chechnya Troops to Occupy Eastern Ukraine – This is Checkmate

In Slowjansk, Eastern Ukraine, we have our own direct sources that confirm with photographs that Russian troops have invaded and occupy the city. We have direct confirmation that these men in green are from the Russian forces, but mostly from Chechnya. The Web Cameras that use to broadcast all the time in Slowjansk have been […]