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The Deflationary Aspect of the Dollar

One of the most difficult concepts for people to grasp is the fact that a currency is the OPPOSITE of assets. When assets rise, like gold and stocks, this means that the currency MUST decline in purchasing power. This is the standard function of a currency regardless of what it might be. This is why […]

Capital Flows

Real Estate is the choice at this time to get capital off the grid. We are seeing Chinese still buying Australian Property for now and wealthy Russians are looking at Putin raising taxes and the rubble of the ruble as a justification to get capital out of banks and into property. Even the wealthy Ukrainians […]

What the Hell Can we do To Hide from the Future?

QUESTION: Hi Marty I was at the trading class in PA though you did an excellent job I have worked on Wall Street for about 25 years sales and trading on equities desk at Lehman, First Boston I have learned more reading your work and attending your conferences than anything over those 25 years So […]

Mexico Vigilantes disarm Police – The Backlash Against Corruption

Mexican vigilantes disarm police who have been protecting the drug cartels. The people are starting to rise up in Mexico against the political corruption that has been so pervasive thanks to the tax-free drug market into the USA. Legalizing drugs will save countless lives and return governments in South America to the people. But that is unlikely […]

Protecting Russian Speaking People in Eastern Europe is to Protect Russia Itself

The proposition in Russia is that they must defend Russian speaking people living in the Eastern European former Soviet States. This is the justification for international war and Russia is well aware that Europe will not defend this region for it is financially broke in any event. The proposition is that to protect the compatriots […]

Is a Crash Inevitable? The Spiral Vortex of Debt and Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty I am somewhat concerned about the events unfolding in Nevada, the encroaching tyranny and the future. Sometimes you say that everything will collapse in 2016. Does this mean that the government will collapse and thereby lose their ability to reign tyranny down on us, or indeed will it intensify as the government tries […]

May Elections in Europe may be a Joke – The Invasion of Euroskeptics May Have NO Power

The backlash against these Marxist Politicians that have dominated Europe will see the first sizable gains when citizens in the 28 European Union countries vote on May 22-25 for 751 members of the bloc’s legislature. The opinion polls currently suggest that they will for the first time elect a sizable group of politicians bent on […]

World War III on the Horizon?

Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to Obama and his insane policies behind the NSA that have left America trying to find friends in a dark hour. The sanctions being imposed on Russia have sent China into its camp. The USA is finding it increasingly more difficult to be the bully in the school-yard. […]

Pro-Russian “Tourists” Kill Man for Raising Ukrainian Flag

The Pro-Russian “tourists” have tortured to death a former policeman from the town of Gorlivka (300,000 inhabitants) because HE CHANGED FLAGS OF THE “DONETSK REPUBLIC BACK TO UKRAINIAN. There are a lot of people migrating from the East and Crimea moving into Ukraine. If Russians were treated this way in the East, Putin would use […]

The Complexity of War & Debt – a New Factor Entirely

  The title of the next book that needs to be written is not War & Peace, but War and Debt. The interesting complexity of continually borrowing with no intention of ever paying anyone back is a totally modern development post-WWII. This has simply never been done before and governments have no clue what to […]