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Wealth of a Nation

QUESTION: You recently said that the wealth of a nation is not its gold. How can you justify that? B ANSWER: Sorry. Gold was a Western thing – not East. China never issued gold coins, so does that mean they should not exist? When war takes places, Britain abandoned the gold standard as did the […]

Russian Invasion of Eastern Ukraine Has Begun

  The crisis in Eastern Ukraine appears to be a Russian invasion albeit covertly precisely the same way it was first done in Crimea. On April 12th, the realization that the Russian Federation has actually invaded Ukraine began to be realized and the National Security and Defense Council was urgently convened. The Minister of Internal Affairs […]

US Share Market – Here We Go Again

As always, the talking heads jump all over the market to predict major highs and the inevitable collapse/ The sharp selloff in US high-growth technology and biotech shares led the way and now they are talking about more than a minor pullback when earnings pick up speed next week. The 1st-quarter earnings estimates have fallen […]

Global Market Watch for April 11th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 11th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Debt & Taxes – Wisdom from the Past

One of the more interesting aspects of the coming final Blood Moon on September 28, 2015, this one also coincides with the end of the Jewish Shmita year. This is when the Israelites are to let the land rest and cancel all debts.  This occurs every 7 years (2000-2001, 2007-2008, 2014-2015).  The Ten Commandments forbids Marxism […]

GMW v Market Forecasting & ECM

 There are three complete different core models that we are employing that are absolutely totally unique and the interesting thing is when they CONVERGE – not that they have anything in common otherwise. The Economic Confidence Model is a business cycle and that has been tested back to at least 600BC. It shows the rise […]

Why Does Deflation Cause the Currency to Rise?

It has often been a paradox that the worse an economy turns down, the higher the currency rises. Cheer up – it is a bell curve. If the currency goes TOO FAR and the economy has no hope of survival, then it reverses and collapses into dust through the process of a Phase Transition. This […]

Brokers v Market Makers

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You previously mentioned you cannot trust the big firms in New York. Does this apply to their branch offices outside NYC? Thank you; JT ANSWER: That comment referred to MARKET MAKING where they keep track of who buys what. That is totally different from having a broker at a major firm where […]

Socialism at its Best – How to Destroy the Wealth of a Nation

COMMENT:  Marty, You know there is tax competition amongst states and cities in Switzerland which lead to great results once in terms of efficiency and therefore attracting people to take their families and move to states with lower taxation. Often quite outside of the metropoles so also helping to populate remote parts of the country. […]

Global Market Watch April 10th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of April 10th, 2014. Global Market Watch