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Pension Crisis hits Russia

Vladimir Putin tried to reform Russia’s pensions system which is crumbling as is the case in the West. This giant Ponzi Scheme is collapsing and it has been the heart of Socialism. Putin’s approval rating plummeted this year in the aftermath dropping from 82% in April 2018, dropping to 66% here in October 2018. His decision to […]

Tectonic Plate Splits in Two Raising Risks for West Coast

San Andreas Fault in California Can Be Observed from the Sky Recent studies have revealed that the massive earthquake which struck Mexico actually split a tectonic plate in two. This has done more than just shaken the ground. It has also shaken up the geologist community for this may even introduce a greater risk to […]

Eurozone will Collapse – There is No Other Choice Economically

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I can see what you have been arguing about the faulty design of the euro. After the EU rejected Italy’s budget, is there any hope left for Italy? RS, Rome ANSWER: For those who do not follow Europe closely, the European Union took the unprecedented step Tuesday (23rd of Oct) of rejecting […]

Forget the Doom & Gloom – It’s Not That Bad

QUESTION: Martin, I know things are dark, but you are becoming down right gloomy. If the world is falling apart in Austrialia, Europe, Japan and ultimately the USA, there must be somewhere, or somewheres, the computer says things will be great in, or get better in. Where to go now? China right now, no thank you. […]

Why Has the USA been “Pinnacle of Global Success”

To the shock of everyone in politics and economics who can’t get enough socialism and want to bash that the disparity of income is so evil, these Marxists are beside themselves when the World Economic Forum released a study that shows the United States is the most competitive nation on earth. They have, however, concluded that their […]

Coming New German Documentary

I flew to Germany to participate in another German documentary on the European Economy conducted by the renowned German filmmaker Marcus Vetter.  I believe this will be released this weekend. Just for the record, I was neither paid nor do I participate in any revenue from this new film. I agreed to participate as a […]

Egyptian Economist Arrested for Criticizing Government

  The Egyptian Economist, Abdel Khalik Farouk, is the author of more than 20 books on corruption in the Egyptian economy. His latest book, Is Egypt really poor?  was confiscated by Egyptian authorities last week on the day of publication. The owner of the printing house, Ibrahim El Khatib, was also arrested. Farouk has set out that the corruption […]

Forecasting Whatever Trend is in Motion Will Remain in Motion is Standard

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I believe I understand your criticism about analysis. Whatever trend is in motion people assume will remain in motion. This is dangerous in managing a company, economy, and climate. I read the New York Time from 1961 when they said the climate was getting colder. Perhaps we need to teach a course […]

There Are Two Types of Pole Shifts & We Seem to be on Course for an event Faster than Most Ever Believed

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I agree that something seems to be changing faster than perhaps we might have expected. Is there anything that points to how fast a pole change might actually take place? How long do such events last? Is that a permanent change? Thank you for a most thought-provoking blog PD   ANSWER: First of all, there […]

Is Goldman Sachs Banning Staff From Donating to Republicans Again?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; the Democrats are raising far more money from the various big Super-Pacs to take back the Congress. The talk is the New York bankers are telling staff not to donate to Republicans. Do you know if this is true? SH ANSWER: The 2016 Presidential Election was a monumental game changer. Trump did not […]