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Governments Are Conspiring Against People – Worldwide

  A good example of government all ganging up against the people to cling to power is how they all follow each other. These G20 meetings are now serious events because they are all about how to control the people and sustain their power. This is demonstrated by coordination efforts from taxes to now controlling […]

G20 to Change Status of Bank Accounts = Investments

Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist all members collect more taxes. This year, according our sources, they are now going to address the behind-the-curtain banking failure. Tomorrow, there will be at least […]

Time to Hide Under the Covers

The USA may not be as all-powerful as its tells its people or our politicians believe. For all the spying going on against American citizens to hunt them down for taxes intercepting all cell phone calls, the USA is vulnerable on many fronts. The Chinese have been able to compromise the US defense systems. Meanwhile, […]

Obamacare Deliberately Written with 33,000 Pages of Regulations To Hide the Truth

Everyone is shocked that the Key Obamacare Architect, Jonathan Gruber, has come out and admitted that the Obamacare legislation was drafted to intentionally be so confusing that the average American public would never know that their healthcare would rise in price and decline in service. Here is the full transcript and a link to the video: “You […]

Obama Wants to Now Fully Regulate the Internet as a Public Utility

There is perhaps no President who has done more to destroy everything he has ever thought about than Barrack Obama from world peace to our constitutional rights. OMG, we cannot get rid of this idiot soon enough. Two more years may be way too long to wait. He will have us in WWIII and the […]

Youth Should Work For Free – Bank of Canada Recommends

What is seriously being overlooked here around the world politically is we are dealing with a revolution of the youth as a consequence of the collapse in Marxism. Pictured above is Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz who has amazingly stated that the rising unemployment among the youth who are living in their parent’s basements, […]

Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?

Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even electing what is glowingly becoming apparent that Obama is a repeat of Bush Jr, just worse. This will now clip the wings of the Democrats and the social agenda of Obama […]

Draghi – Negative Interest Rates pass-on by German Banks

Those in government maintain a completely delusional view of the world which is the central part of the crisis that we face. Everyone else pays the price for it and this is no longer just brilliantly entertaining. This modern-day monetary delusion persists both inside central banks as well as within the halls of the elected representative […]

The Left using Piketty in Netherlands

CONTRIBUTED FROM NETHERLANDS: Hi Martin, There you have it: one of the Dutch left parties, Green Left, is proposing draconian wealth taxes based on Thomas Piketty’s book. See the link below. Some of the things they want: * A (maximum) 50% tax on capital for the super rich * Increase the tax on dividends from […]

Cyclical Analysis – Perhaps One Day it will be Taught in University

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been working on a trading desk for 4 years now. I have got to say, everyone reads you. The general comment around here in the bank is never be on the opposite side of your computer. Some still say you manipulate the world and others say you are the father […]