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Cold War 2 – Setting Up for the Fall – Putin Staring into the Eyes of a Dead Corpse?

The Cold War Part 2 with Russia, as always, demonstrates why we should banish lawyers from politics because they are incapable of understanding international capital flows that diminish their power. In studying law, I can tell you it is very black and white. You write a law to prevent a specific thing without any comprehension […]

Economist asks – Police or Soldiers?

US Police are acting like military rather than local police. The smallest towns in New Jersey have swat teams at taxpayer expense. The whole argument against standing armies was that they promoted war or they were a waste of funds. I have seen the police call in numerous squad cars to chase a teenage boy […]

Australia’s Attorney General – NSA Lover

  George Brandis, the 36th Attorney General for Australia, penned an article that Snowden is a Traitor and the more leaks he reads the more nut-job conservative he becomes. I should point out these VERY SAME arguments were once used several decades ago by another politician who envisioned himself as defender of his nation. He […]

Putin & Nostradamus

A king will come with blood floods, fly high, but fall abruptly into his greed and evilness. He will waste his kingdom and the common people will hate him. His head will roll off his shoulders. This is the latest circulating around Ukraine.

My Picture

The picture of me with Jack King goes back to 1983. Jack died in 1997. So yes, I look very young there. Me in 1997 – well I looked older by then. This one is from the Australian press in 1988. So the aging was a little more gradual than had the first one been […]

Calendar Reform

QUESTION: Martin, You have opened my mind to the cycles I could only observe casually as a commercial r.e. appraisal on a micro scale in Detroit.  I am a dedicated reader of your work since those dark days in NY.  It is exciting to follow the historical depth and accuracy of your research brought forward to […]

The Blood Moon

COMMENT: when you write everything is connected I doubt even you appreciate how profound the connections actually go. highest regards, TY ANSWER: Absolutely correct! I have been able to see the connections with a massive database and computing power. I did not input the planetary movement, but that is not to say it would not be interesting […]

The Coming Tetrad – the Blood Moons

QUESTION: Martin, In reading the article below, I couldn’t help but notice the fourth blood moon (September 28, 2015) will almost coincide with the projected major turning point in your economic confidence model (October 1, 2015).  Is this coincidence or does your model take into account the movement of stars, planets and moons? Thank you for […]

From South Korea

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong, Thank you for your recent pieces about South Korea. I have lived in Seoul for 10 years and regularly talk with educated people about the issue. Consensus seems to be that North Korea will not start a full-blown war because they have as much to lose as we have (not in nominal terms […]

Thank You All – I do Get More Thanks than Hate Mail These Days

COMMENT:  A few years ago my father showed me some articles of a man writing from a prison with weird drawing and  about economics. I had no idea who you were or what u did. In the last 3 or so years I read and listen to Everything , I can from you. Including the […]