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The Man Who Thought He Was King And Wants to Rule The World – Harry Reid’s July 1st 2014 Anti-Freedom Act

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; there is a lot of hype from the gold bugs that the dollar will collapse July 1st because of the new FATCA reporting requirements. Is there any truth to this for I cannot see how this is possible with all the geopolitical events. And the banks have been chasing Americans out in advance […]

Russia’s Goal to Resurrect its Empire by 2020 & Rain of the Parade of a United Europe

Putin has bluntly stated that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century and he was to see it resurrected (minus communism) by 2020. Russia clearly has its eyes set on bigger goals than just Ukraine. It is using the issue of ethnic Russians need their protection in places […]

Poland Confiscate Bond Holdings from Private Pension Funds – More Deflation

While everyone is paying attention to Russia, the European economy continues to spiral downward into its Debt-Deflation, and the rising cost of debt to EU members in real international terms is alarming. Poland on Wednesday confiscated all bond holdings of private pension funds. This will be booked on their balance sheet to reduce their debt […]

Russian Activists take Gov’t Bldgs in Kharkiv on Sunday

A pro-Russian activists are trying to provide the justification for Russia to now move in and take the Eastern portion of Ukraine. They stormed government buildings and raised Russian flags in Kharkiv on Sunday.

The Thailand Revolution

The movement in Thailand is interesting for the rally is called the People’s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD). The rally gathered in Bangkok’s Lumpini Park. This is the trend that is going global. People are fed up with corrupt politicians. I have stated at the conference this is […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]

France – Social Justice

French Socialists Cannot Just Stop & Reform

France’s economic growth has averaged only 0.8 percent, half of Germany’s 1.6 percent, which ia about half the USA. Yet these people tell the USA its is not fair and the USA should raise taxes to 70% so their policies will not look so bad. The sad part – Obama agrees. France’s recovery has even […]

Lagarde – Part II

I should point out that this problem of always trying to reduce things to a single cause and effect is a serious error we make overall within society that has to stop. Legarde is correct the problem is LOW INFLATION but she cannot stimulate by merely increasing the money supply. The Fed has proven that […]

Lagarde’s Low-Flation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Christine Lagarde of the IMF has stated that the problem with Europe and Japan is that they have no appreciable inflation. She calls it “low-flation.”  You have stated that the U.S. and Germany are always fighting their last economic war so the U.S. inflates and Germany deflates. So is Lagarde correct this […]