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US Share Market & high-frequency trading

The US Share Market is like that Pink Energizer Bunny – it just keeps going. The talking heads keep talking to themselves and remain clueless since this is not economically driven from the standpoint of a booming economy. Rather. the economy remains the strongest in the world and we are simply the prettiest of the […]

Turkey Riots of Election Fraud

Simply put, the voters in Turkey just do not believe the election results and everyone suspected there would be massive fraud to retain power. After the victory of the Turkish ruling party in local elections, thousands of opposition supporters have taken their anger at the result on the road. In Ankara, police used water cannon on […]

Gold Turning Down

  I have stated NUMEROUS times that gold is neither the hedge against inflation nor does it rise all alone during hyperinflation when everything rises. The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY. During hyperinflation, EVERYTHING rises so long as the nation survives aside from the […]

Our World Leaders In the Light of Day

Our World Leaders as they really are that the Press Filters Out From Russia with Love Депутаты = Deputies Princeton Economics – Russian Site Under Construction

Global Market Watch for March 31st, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 31st, 2014. Global Market Watch

French dealt an Unprecedented Defeat to Hollande’s Socialist Party

French President Francois Hollande and his Socialist Party were handed an unprecedented defeat in the municipal elections. The voter outrage in France is significant, yet not enough yet to turn the IMF from their equally insane policies. Hollande went on TV and said in his 8 minute speech: ”In voting or in abstaining, you expressed your […]

South Korea

The history of South Korea formally began with its establishment on August 15th, 1948. In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea following Japan’s defeat in 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in accordance with a United Nations arrangement. The North was to be administered by the Soviet Union and the South fell […]

North Korea Fires Artillery Shells in the South As they Return Fire

North Korea fired more than 100 artillery rounds into South Korean waters as part of a military drill on Monday, March 31st. The South returned the fire. The North is more-likely-than-not going to engage the South after 2015.75. When the economy turns down, the saber-rattling may turn into actual confrontation. The North will need its […]

Is Obama just Outclassed by Putin?

It seems that Obama is living in a world of prejudice and cannot understand that his own actions are inconsistent with his arguments making his opponent stronger not weaker. Obama will continue to escalate for he is just outclassed by Putin. Obama is becoming the evil empire and Putin the great defender. Obama is the […]

NSA Targeted 122 Heads of State including Merkel of Germany

The latest revelation shows that the NSA was targeting world leaders, A total of 122 leaders were under surveillance. The NSA revelations are extremely damaging for they reveal an agency that has spun totally out of control.