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Fuel Shipping Costs Soar

The cost of shipping has added another variable to the complicated global inflation and energy crisis. According to the Baltic Exchange data as reported by Bloomberg, hauling rates have reached a high not seen since April 2020. The TC-5 passage commonly used to transport fuel from the Middle East to Japan cost around $61 per […]

Defaults & Stupidity

The West has forced Russia into its first foreign debt default since 1918. You really have to wonder exactly how our world leaders rationalize their reasoning. Strangely, this was actually cyclically on target. It was two groups of 6 waves of 8.6 years, making it 104 years. It is interesting how Socrates had targeted that […]

Market Talk – June 28, 2022

ASIA: China’s Premier Li Keqiang said that China’s economy has recovered to some extent, but its foundation is not solid. Speaking to state media he further added that China will strive to drive the economy back onto a normal track and bring down the jobless rate as soon as possible. China’s nationwide survey-based jobless rate […]

Kremlin: NATO Preparing for War with Russia

(Footage from Operation Barbarossa, known in Russia as the Great Patriotic War) I have warned that Russia has felt as if it were on the defensive. They feel that the West and NATO have aligned against them and infringed on their sovereignty. Pope Francis made similar comments when he said that Russia was perhaps “provoked” […]

Market Talk – June 27, 2022

  ASIA: China’s economy showed some improvement in June as Covid restrictions were gradually eased, although the recovery remains muted. Economic activity picked up in June after financial hub Shanghai lifted its lockdown, allowing businesses to restart and most residents to leave their homes. That can be seen in a rebound in small business confidence, which […]

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the […]

Inflation Creating Cracks in the G7

Phone conversations with sources are revealing that inflation is starting to create cracks in the unity of the G7 against Russia for the summit of G7 nations in Bavaria (June 26-28). Already, the leaders of the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan are not in accord. The people are not in support of this […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2022

    ASIA: A shortage of cash dollars and forward market intervention by the Reserve Bank of India which has pushed onshore 1-year forward premiums to their lowest levels in more than a decade could pressure the rupee to new lows, traders and analysts said. The one-year annualized forward premium stood at 2.91% at 0830 […]

Market Talk – June 23, 2022

ASIA: Chinese President Xi Jinping made a rare statement Wednesday about his country’s aims to achieve its economic goals for the year. Investment analysts have cut their forecasts for China’s GDP growth to well below the official target after stringent Covid controls restricted business activity in the last few months. The median GDP forecast among […]

Market Talk – June 22, 2022

ASIA: Some Bank of Japan board members were concerned that excessive currency volatility could disrupt corporate business plans, minutes of the bank’s April meeting showed, highlighting the challenge for policymakers from the yen’s sharp declines. At the April 27-28 meeting, the BOJ strengthened its commitment to keep interest rates ultra-low by vowing to buy unlimited […]