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Market Talk – February 13, 2019

Asia: The Asian markets had another good day today with the Nikkei increasing 1.34%. This puts the 12-month rolling value at minus 5 bps. Compare this to the Shanghai index, which was down 14.94%! Regardless, all Asian indices find themselves in positive territory for the last 30 days with the Hang Seng climbing 8.36%. Today, […]

Thailand and the Future

COMMENT: Hi Marty, As with so many others, I am very appreciative of your writing and am seeing your predictions come true as chaos piles up. Most recently, here in Thailand! The sister of the king, Princess Ubolrat (sp?) announced she would contest the upcoming election as prime minister. This is not only unprecedented in […]

Market Talk – February 12, 2019

  Asia: A stellar day all-around in Asia, but the Japanese markets enjoyed the majority of the region’s gains. The Nikkei 225 shot up 2.61% today – playing catch up as the market was closed yesterday. Three markets produced double digit growth today: Taiyo Yuden, Haseko, and Tokai Carbon. One of the more recognizable names, […]

Market Talk – February 11, 2019

  Asia: Foundation Day is a day designed to mark the celebration of the founding of a nation. In the case of Japan, this is for the mythological foundation of Japan and the accession of its first Emperor Jimmu. For this occasion, the markets were closed in Japan. Therefore, we would like to extend our […]

Market Talk – February 8, 2019

  Asia: The topic for 2019 has certainly been the US-China trade negotiations. Today indicated the matter is far from solved. Negotiations are still ongoing with 21 days until the deadline. Also, like Germany, Trump wishes to ban all Chinese Telecommunications within the US as geopolitics are certainly heating up. China will reopen on Monday. […]

So When Will the Yellow Vest Movement Take Hold in the USA?

The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a carbon tax on fuel. President Emmanuel Macron claimed the French were leading the world in the battle against climate change. The Yellow Vest protests evolved rapidly into an all-out general anti-government movement that was […]

Market Talk – February 7, 2019

  Asia: As the majority of the major markets are closed, the Nikkei yet again took central focus. The Nikkei moved up 60 bps as we saw capital flows move into Japan. The USD/JPY also weakened by 20 bps to 109.73. The Kospi reopened with negligible effect rising 7 bps. The Indian Sensex performed reasonably well […]

Brexit & Pi

    We are approaching 31.4 months this February from the original Brexit referendum on June 23, 2016. After such a period, the British government’s incompetence is shining through. The EU wants a hard border in Ireland all because they fear that goods could creep from the North to the South without them getting their […]

Market Talk – February 6, 2019

  Asia: The following country’s markets are closed for the national holiday: China, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore. The Chinese Yuan increased 16 bps against the dollar despite the market being closed. The Japanese stock market increased +0.14%. The YoY for the Nikkei is still negative, slipping -3.56%. The same cannot be said for […]

New Monetary Theory is Like Sleepwalking

QUESTION: Bernie Sanders was basing his whole economic proposal to just keep spending and make everything free. They seem to be teaching this in school now. This macroeconomic theory whereby a country’s spending is only constrained not by revenue in taxes but by inflation when it creates a sovereign currency. It seems too good to […]