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IMF Demands Austerity for Ukraine

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) announced on Thursday that a $14 to $18 billion “bailout” for Ukraine is contingent on Kiev’s imposition of stringent austerity measures. It is amazing that not even Obama would comply with such austerity. These people have no clue as to how to run a nation and their theories are more-likely-than-not […]

Obama & Lagarde – Destroying the World Economy- A Lethal Combination

Christine Lagarde is a french lawyer who became chairman of the Chicago firm Baker & McKenzie. Obama endorsed Lagarde ahead of the vote claiming a woman would be proper after  Dominique Strauss-Kahn, had to resign after being charged with attempted rape in New York. However, the maid was found to be anything but credible and there is […]

World Economic Conference XXV Starts Tomorrow

The seating for 300 at the Cycles of War Conference sold out and additional hundreds viewed it around the world live. The video streaming appears to work well – it was our first attempt at a worldwide broadcast. The feed seems to work for people in China, Russia, South Africa, Brazil, India, and the Middle […]

The Real Conspiracy – The IMF Tax Agenda

While people keep yelling about banks and secret societies, there is a real conspiracy going on that they cannot see right before their eyes. The culprit is not these private groups, but government. Obama is on board fully with the IMF agenda to raise taxes substantially French style. The IMF has been behind the scenes […]

Cycle of War Conference Moved to Marriott Hotel

    The Cycles of War Conference has been moved to the Marriott Hotel on Market 5th Floor Street 1201 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 625-2900 This Friday – March 21st – 1-5 PM EST This will be Available for Delayed Viewing for 2 weeks Because of the overwhelming number of people who would like to […]

Russia Threatens Estonia – 17th Member of Eurozone

Russia is in the same position as Hitler was when he began to invade countries claiming he was defending the German populations there. Nobody did anything and that gave Hitler a green light. The same pattern in emerging with Russia. There is really nobody there able to stop them. Russia has now threatened Estonia, the […]

Global Market Watch – March 19th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 19th, 2014. Global Market Watch

NSA’s Mystic Program – the Bug Stops Exactly Where?

credit DonkeyHotey/Flickr (has gone viral) The NSA is beyond control. They just do as they like and it is someone else’ burden to prove what they are doing is illegal. Obama has no support against Russia because he has pissed off just about every country around. His Mystic NSA Program can record every single phone […]

Gold Bouncing off the 1390-1400 barrier

So far, gold has been unable to get through the first primary resistance 1390-1400 barrier. We pressed higher into this week making the high but then turned back down. Now the two levels forming are 1323 and 1425. A weekly closing back below 1308.00 will signal a resumption of the downtrend. Major monthly resistance stands […]

Cycles of War Conference – Live Streaming Friday March 21st

This Friday – March 21st – 1-5 PM EST This will be Available for Delayed Viewing for 2 weeks Because of the overwhelming number of people who would like to attend but the travel is too extensive, we are trying for the first time a live stream broadcast globally. This will be available also on […]