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Bank Runs Starting in Ukraine

There are two converging trends emerging that are starting people to line up to take their money out of banks in Ukraine. In the South, it is the treat of war, and in the West, some fear that the IMF cannot be trusted and as such will expropriate their money as the IMF did in Cyprus. […]

Russian Passenger Flights Changing Flight Paths to Avoid Ukraine – Sign of what is to come?

Aeroflot and S7, the Russian airlines, have both changed their air routes to avoid Ukraine’s air space. This is a sign that they are clearly expecting tensions to rise and we may yet see a direct confrontation with Russia. Models still point to last weeks of March for some wild trading periods ahead.

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Another NY Trader Jumps to his Death

Another NY Trader jumps to his death in front of a train. The rash of suicides in the financial industry remain the buz of finance. Some say its the markets. Others say Bitcoin losses. Then others say the downturn in banks. It is probably all of the above and what I can say, unfortunately, it […]

Global Market Watch Still in Testing Phase

  The Global Market Watch is still in the testing phase. This is an ongoing project that will be complete soon. Then we will provide a video on how to use it. It functions better on the more active markets compared to short-term bills that trade in a very tight range for days. We will […]

Global Civil Unrest Continuing to Brew

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Russia Still Massing Troops

Russian Army has been massing troops on the Ukrainian border rapidly rising to almost 100,000 troops as well as missile launchers and tactical weapons. The crisis continues to escalate. Based on information, Russia would retake the East.

Global Market Watch – March 12th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 12th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Nigel Farage – Europe is Crumbling Nigel Farage is a voice we need in the USA to shake things up. This piece he bluntly states that The European Dream is Crumbling. He is absolutely correct. There is nothing these politicians can do that will save the day at this point. Europe is in such critical condition, it will surely not […]

The Real Reason why the Constitution Preserved the Militia & Right to Retain Arms

Martin E. Dempsey (b; March 14, 1952) is the 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He has come out and stated that while he has been in communication with his military counterparts in Russia, he is also making it very clear that the U.S. military will respond militarily if necessary. He has gone on […]