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Is AI Dangerous?

  Back in 2015, I addressed the concern then of Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk who were worried about what might happen as a result of advancements in Artificial Intelligence. They’re concerned that robots could grow so intelligent that they could independently decide to exterminate humans. Today, it has only gotten worse with GPT-4 open […]

Neocon Always Lose – But They Are Never Down for the Count

QUESTION: Marty, I am really in shock. You put out the Ukrainian Model and stated in your March 6, 2022 post a year ago: “I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which […]

Why America Will Lose this War As every one Since WWII

A number of people have asked why does Socrates say that the United States will lose this war. One states: “The standalone American firepower without UK/ France, etc, itself is tremendous. How does Socrates say that America will lose the war? It may lose financially. The Chinese have the worst track record in any war.” […]

BITCOIN – The Reality Check

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to thank you for the education. When you explained that Bitcoin was not some hedge against central banks or an exception to everything out there but was just another trading vehicle, you saved my life for sure my wife would have killed me during the crash. The November turning […]

Interview: Neocons, Global Warfare, Digital Currencies, Bitcoin

Watch the video above or click here to listen to my latest interview: “Neocons, Global Warfare, Digital Currencies, Bitcoin.”

US is Losing Another War – Ukraine

The United States has launched a proxy war, unconstitutionally, circumventing Congress and the American people no less the entire world. What must be understood, is that the Biden Administration, the puppet of the Neocons led now by Victoria Nuland, has brought the entire world to the brink of World War III and they have now […]

Is Zelensky the Anti-Christ?

  A lot of people are writing in asking interesting questions about Zelensky. I seriously doubt he will be remembered with any respect by history. Indeed, Zelensky is by no means a world hero. He deceived Russia by pretending to promote peace to get elected and the Ukrainian people, but certainly not the world. He […]

Do Not Fear Nuclear War – You Can Survive!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong I have been reading your blogs for the last couple of years. I’m a simple human, not a scholar but so scared about nuclear war, Is nuclear war 100 percent coming here in the USA? If so any suggestions as to what we can do to survive? where should we go ? […]

Who are the ‘Neocons?

QUESTION: Who are the ‘Neocons’? Martin, In an essay you posted today* you say that the Biden administration has been bought and paid for by Neocons. Could you tell us a bit more about them?  I understand you’ve said that many of ‘these persons’ come from a mindset of the Allen brothers of the 1950s […]

West’s Duplicity – Biden’s Surprise Visit Before Putin’s Speech

  Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine one day ahead of Putin’s National Address scheduled for February 21st. Biden had the audacity to put out the West’s constant propaganda: “One year later, Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands,” he declared. “The Americans stand with you and the world stands with you.” Putin is […]