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Events in Crimea – Yanukovych & His Sons Are in Russia

Now Crimean protesters stormed the building of the Crimean Supreme Council. It is here where we are seeing great conflict. There are pro-Russian activists and also Crimean Tatars whose number is a lot greater than the pro-Russians. In the square in front of the Supreme Council (Parliament) building there was about 2,000 Tatars and their number […]

Using the Internet to Destroy Reputations & Inject False Info

We also know how bad mainstream media is these days in every country. Governments have been threatening and controlling the press for quite some time. Just recently, Russia simply shut down TV stations telling the truth about the Ukraine hiding the level of sheer decadence and corruption that is all over the internet these days […]

US Gold Hoard 1847-1894 Discovered Buried with the Panic of 1893

For centuries, people have been burying money when times get hard. A hoard of US gold coins was found in California with the uncirculated coins dated between 1847-1894. This clear lines up with the Panic of 1893 and the failure of many banks. Throughout ancient times as well as money, stir up the economy and […]

Caesar – Beware the Ides of March – Were the Conferences Targeted to this Period?

To all those old clients asking if we picked the timing for the conferences linked to the geopolitical turmoil in Ukraine as we did in 1987 with the Crash and 1985 with the turn of the ECM, the answer is always yes. We use the model to target when the conferences should be most interesting […]

YanukovychLeaks & Russia moves in to protect Crimea

Ukraine may become the big market mover both in the financial and precious metals circles as well as for the dollar. Keeping an eye on what is taking place there is critical at this point. The documents recovered from Yanukovych have been posted on line for the entire world to see ( The degree of […]

Ukraine – The Spark for World War III?

On the 28th June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were shot dead in Sarajevo, by Gavrilo Princip, one of a group of six assassins. That was the spark that tore Europe apart. Olexander Turchynov in Ukrain is warning of the dangers of […]

Taxing the Rich – Wait A Minute – Its You?

Taxing the rich is always a vague term because the average person always assumes it is everyone who earns more than they do. The tax rate has been played with more than anything in government since especially the dawn of Marxism at the turn of the 20th century.   Defining the “rich” has been historically […]

Corrupt Politicians – The Mansion of a Tyrant

Viktor Yanukovych is the example of the worst of the worst in politicians. His mansion he built with stolen money from the state is breathtaking right down to buying exotic animals for a personal zoo to ships he had constructed to sail on a lake. Poland has now come forward and stated it will hand over […]

US Military Spending Bottoming with the Cycle of War low – Amazing

The US budget for the military will now reach its lowest point since World War II. This is precisely in line with our model and is the BOTTOM. It is just amazing how these things work.

Russia Arrest more than 400 Protesters

More than 400 people who gathered in Russia in Moscow and St. Petersburg to protest political imprisonments found themselves arrested and in prison. There seems to be a rising intolerance of protests for any reason beginning to rise around the globe. You will see this same trend emerge in the USA.