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Conversation Between Glen Downs & Armstrong

  Conversation between Glen Downs on Capital Hill & Martin Armstrong on the Cycles of War, Ukraine & its impact on the world. Part-I 12 minutes Part-II 13 minutes  

As Kiev Burns – Just the Beginning

Some people keep insisting that the events in Ukraine are caused by secret intervention from the West and in the process they are missing the importance of the trend. You can intervene all you want, but if the people are fat and happy – nothing but nothing will take place. Ukraine peaked really in 2000 […]

Yanukovych Opens Fire of Civilians – the Trump Card is Always War

Yanukovych will go down in history as a ruthless criminal. He has effectively ordered the massacre of civilians. Gun shots filled Independence Square and now more than 100 protesters have been murdered according to their reports. All out civil war is in motion and I fear that with this War Cycle turning up here in […]

Ukraine – The Funding Begins – Gun Shots Starting in Kiev

For months before the proposed alignment with the EU, there were signs all over Ukraine pro and con about joining Europe that was a campaign in part funded by the EU to sell the idea to Ukraine. This funding has been CONFUSED with the funding for the “rebels” to engage in revolution that Putin calls […]

Global Market Watch Feb 19th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 19th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Western Ukraine Declares Independence

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich has demonstrated he is in the class with really war criminals. He is prepared to kill as many people as it takes to retain power. He stole the presidential elections by corruption and the people protesting in Kiev are predominantly coming from the West near Poland. The situation is demonstrating the […]

Ukraine Death Toll Rises & Europe Finally Considers Economic Sanctions

The death toll has now exceeded at least 25 and the situation seems to get worse. The likelihood of this turning into a major civil war ultimately drawing in the West v Russia increases with each day. The deadly clashes in Ukraine’s capital have drawn very profound and sharp responses from Washington, leading to Europe at […]

US Economy Still Rising into 2015.75

Consumer debt rose the most in 6 years during the last quarter. Everything is pointing to a continued rally in the USA contrary to Europe and China no less Japan. Retails sales were outstanding for Christmas in the USA as they were in London. Everything still appears of track.


The Right to Privacy GRISWOLD V. CONNECTICUT, 381 US 479 (1965) Syllabus Appellants, the Executive Director of the Planned Parenthood League of Connecticut, and its medical director, a licensed physician, were convicted as accessories for giving married persons information and medical advice on how to prevent conception and, following examination, prescribing a contraceptive device or […]

Home Land Security wants National License Plate Tracking

These people are trashing everything to do with the Constitution and there is nothing we can do about it when Congress are not real people but career drones who rubber stamp whatever the Bureaucracy desires. The latest proposal is to track all cars nationally. They will know where you are and where you have been […]