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Bankers Forced to Swear Oaths in Netherlands

In the Netherlands, they are making bankers swear an oath to God that they will do everything honorable to uphold the confidence in the financial system. I suppose there will be an awful lot of bankers going to prison in the Netherlands after 2015.75. They would have been better off passing a law that they […]

Global Warming & Random Walk Theory Have a Lot in Common – They are Both Nuts

Global Warming is clearly a bunch of hot air. It seems to be a theory made up by a bunch of guys that got drunk one night and said – Hey man! It is warmer this season than last! Wow! We must have caused that man! Word! This is the coldest year day after day on […]

The Other Side of Uprisings – Religion

The issue of Russia’s anti-gay policies has been a hot topic for the Olympics. However, this masks the underlying issue. This is not some personal issue of Putin. There is also a rising tide against liberalism. The right-wing even in Ukraine want 7 years in prison for a girl who gets an abortion and the […]

Russian Ruble

Russian Press state that Russia is unlikely to follow other emerging markets raising interest rates to try to support their declining currency. The ruble has been hit by both the rising tensions on the geopolitical front and the fact that its economy is still in the basket with emerging markets.

German High Court Rules Children Must Support Parents – End of the Social State

The German high court has ruled that children MUST take care of their parents even if they have not spoken to them in 27 years. The entire social contract is collapsing. The historical norm of children taking care of their parents was displaced with the New Deal where government stepped in to provide the safety-net. […]

The Debt Ceiling – Non-Issue

Behind the Curtain China and others warned the US that if it played games with the debt, it would be the last the US would be able to sell its debt to foreign lands. This is also why Obama announced tax-free long-term bonds for Americans to bring the debt home. This is why there is […]

ECB Structural Faults & Switzerland Bail-Out of Banks

QUESTION: I’m not clear about the purpose of the ECB. Each member country goes to the international capital market and gets a different cost for its bond issuance based on its credit worthiness and other factors. If the ECB’s role is to redistribute the debt loads of stressed countries by taking from the less stressed countries, […]

Global Market Watch February 10th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 10th, 2014. Global Market Watch

German Polititians Raise Their own Salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 Euros per month

This idea of socialism and get the rich is just a cover, The Politicians just raised their own salaries from 5,000 to 9,000 euros per month. Yet they are good socialists when the preach to the masses.

The Flight to Quality Still = Bonds

For all the rantings about hyperinflation and the demise of the dollar as the reserve currency, the fallacy of this constant preaching is quite plain and straight forward. WHERE DOES MONEY GO IN THE ALTERNATIVE? While the gold promoters tell you it is only gold, after the German Hyperinflation the new currency was backed by […]