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Anti-Government Uprising over Unemployment Rises in Bosnia

  See more pictures Anti-Government protests are spreading as government corruption has reached a level of frustration caused by the economy increasing the pressure around the globe. Now across Bosnia we are seeing civil unrest that manifested in setting fire to government buildings as protesters are clashing with riot police. This has been a long […]

Yanukovich will not go from power in Ukraine Quietly

The Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich in Russia being very defiant using the Nazi salute. He will not leave power in Ukraine and it is clear, there seems to be no democratic solution open to the people.

Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Conference March 21st

  The Occupy Wall Street movement was the nonviolent beginning pre-2014. We are now entering the violent stage of the Cycle of War. This Conference is being offered to everyone at $250 a seat. Cycles of War Conference March 21st, 2014

March 21st Cycle of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference

The Cycle of War is turning up in 2014 and this cycle is already having a profound impact both internationally as well as internally around the globe. This cycle has been extremely accurate and has been established using a database that has indexed the war cycle distinguishing domestic conflicts (revolutions) from international war. This index […]

Ukraine force to Float Currency Because of Run on the Hryvnia

The fear of rising war in Ukraine has sent people scrambling to buy dollars. The government has now placed restrictions on buying dollars. Ukraine’s currency reserves have fallen so dramatically that the national currency, the hryvnia, is now hanging in mid-air. The National Bank of Ukraine has been forced to back off of the fixed exchange […]

The Winds of War – R the Markets Responding?

The markets are starting to align with the Cycle of War and this includes gold. This is a very serious development and it is why I stated previously that gold had reached our minimum objective. At the very least, there is room for a rally if we elect some key Bullish Reversals. Not even the oscillators […]

Global Market Watch Feb 6th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 6th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Russia Demanding Ukraine Crush the Portesters

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich flew to Sochi today where Putin is demanding he now crush the protesters who are alleged to be funded by the United States as reported by Reuters. This entire Ukrainian issue is becoming a major geopolitical event.

US State Department says “FUCK EU” over Ukraine

The Ukrainian situation behind the curtain is just insane. Now a leaked recording of a telephone conversation between US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt discussing who should be in Ukraine’s next government has, according to The FT, threatened to fuel east-west tensions over the troubled nation’s future. All along […]

If you are Reading this Blog – Chances R U R a Genius

The Last Lion, written about Winston Churchill, has an excellent discussion of “genius” and it is important to understand. I was often compared to Churchill and I thought those comparisons were nuts. I was not a politician. However, there is more to it than merely what someone does that is critical. This label of “genius” […]