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A Cashless Europe – Stupidity Has No Limitations

  QUESTION: Martin, An all electronic currency seems almost inevitable to some, however as you have stated in the past not everyone ha the ability/facility to transact solely electronically. With cash being anything which is agreed the most marketable asset, wouldn’t the people of Europe just transact in another form of cash (USD, gold, silver […]

Market Talk – February 2, 2016

Once again, oil influenced markets around the world. Having dropped 6% yesterday, we were confronted with another 5.5% drop in prices today, closing below the psychological $30 level. Shanghai was the exception in Asia (closing up 2.3%) but this was a relief from previous weak sessions, rather than a specific excuse! ASX lost 1% after […]

More Delusional Gold Theories?

1931 COMMENT: Every gold analyst says you are wrong and that gold stocks rose during the Great Depression as the only hedge. Would you care to comment. I bet not. REPLY: Some of these people are not interested in the truth, and quite frankly, deserve what they will get. Why are they always so nasty? […]

Market Talk – February 1, 2016

Despite a better than previous Chinese PMI release (48.4 against a previous 48.2) it was not what was expected (48.6) and so the Shanghai Index just could not make headway and eventually closed down 1.8%. Japan, on the other-hand, was still trading better (+1.8%) on the negative interest rate route as money looks for bargains […]

The Lucrative Career or Lies, Deceit, & Fraud

Being a politician is a business. They are, for the most part, concerned only about themselves and will always vote to raise taxes because they benefit the establishment, as the Clintons can verify. Some leverage their political capital by striking golden contacts while in office and selling influence derived from their power that is typically funneled […]

Socrates' Long-Term C$ Outlook

Market Talk – January 29, 2016

The BOJ certainly woke everyone up this morning having concluded their meeting with the expectation of negative interest rates. Within seconds the Nikkei leaped 700 points only then trade back then spent the final 90mins climbing to close the session +2.8%. Adversely, the Yen was hit reaching 121.50 in Tokyo trading a loss of a […]

Market Talk – January 22, 2016

As they say: “What a difference a day makes”. Dealers were telling us yesterday that they left the sentiment had changed for whatever reason they were calling this one, the Mario Move. Continuing its overnight run into Asian trading eventually easing above the $30 mark it gave the Equity dealers the comfort to take stocks […]

Europe Moving Into Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, now the OECD is predicting a financial crash worse than the 2007-2009 event in Europe because they say there is over €1 trillion in bad loans that cannot be collected. They seem to be also changing their opinion to fit your model. Were they there in Berlin? ANSWER: We cannot comment on if the OECD is following […]

Reversals: Resistance & Buy Signals

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have been a loyal reader since your early writings from prison and greatly appreciate all you do for society and the “common man” at least those willing to learn. Thank You. We (a couple of loyal followers comparing your analysis) are a little confused on your recent Jan 19th coverage on […]