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War & Capital Flows

COMMENT: Marty, I attended your coming out WEC in Philadelphia in 2011. Just about everyone I spoke with said the same thing. They all showed up to make sure it was really you and not some government stooge pretending to be you. I must say, when you put up the war cycle, I thought it […]

Military Tactic – Demonizing World Leaders to Create War

Some people have accused me of being a Putin Supporter, which illustrates just how brainwashed they actually are.  In war, you must demonize the leader of your opponent to fire up the people to convince them they should die on the battlefield for honor and privilege. This is a military strategy. They demonized Sadam Husein […]

Davos 2023 – the A Threat to the Entire World?

  QUESTION: Marty, I think Schwab’s great reset is all about your 2032. He seems to be a Socrates subscriber and is just trying to manipulate the outcome in his direction. What do you think? Joe ANSWER: I know, Many people have noticed this trend. This is coming up more and more. Back in 1983/1984, […]

Ice Age – the Come Rapidly

  COMMENT: Marty you may remember this. When this hit upper midwest I was in middle school in San Diego. I was in the library every morning before school following this, Voyager and Viking. I watched another rendition of this video on youtube and it cut out the portion where the chief scientist at Lamont-Doherty […]

Party Politics

COMMENT: Thoughts regarding your “Trump and 2024” comments. I’ve been following your blog for well over 10 years and signed up on your basic Socrates program months ago. I’m 67 and voted Democrat most of my life until 2016. I voted for Trump. No way I was voting for Hillary Clinton and considering the political […]

Will Putin Step Down in 2023?

We have a very serious problem. Former Chancellor Merkel has openly stated that there was NEVER any intention to carry out the Minsk Agreement and that not only condemned the people of the Donbas to war, loss of their religion, and the tyranny of Kiev, but they were using them for bait to deliberately force […]

United Nations Preparing for their One World Government

The resolution “Towards a New International Economic Order,” reaffirmed the United Nation’s need for power to continue working towards a new international economic order based on the principles of equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest, cooperation, and solidarity among all States. It passed from 123 to 50. Back during the 1970s, in the aftermath of […]

Political Contagion Does not Need Central Command

When our model had forecast the fall of Communism in 1989, the general press was attributing it to modern communication since the Berlin Wall fell a few months later. I pointed out that the same time difference took place when in Rome they overthrew their king in 509BC and within a few months in Athens, […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2022

ASIA:   Citigroup Inc said it will wind down its consumer banking business in China, a move which is expected to affect about 1,200 employees in the country. The exit will include products such as deposits, insurance, mortgages, investments, loans and cards, the lender said in a statement Thursday. The bank will also explore options […]

Volcano Eruptions On the Rise with Solar Minimum

We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025. Solar Cycle 24 which ended in December 2019, was of average in length, at 11 years. However, it was the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. We’re now in Solar Cycle 25 and we are […]