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Airlines Now Warning About Travel Disruptions Due to Protests in Ukraine

Here at eBookers, we are always watching for events that may affect your travel. Anti-government protests in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and many other cities, have been taking place since earlier this year and are likely to persist for the foreseeable future. Thousands of protesters remain ensconced in central Kyiv, mainly on Independence Square (Maydan […]

Global Market Watch Feb 13th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 13th, 2014. Global Market Watch

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

Matt Taibbi is back exposing the deal they snuck under the table for HSBC who got caught money laundering for drug dealers and terrorists. The bankers have been getting away with unbelievable fraud because they have been blackmailing government arguing who will sell their debt if they go down. The days of these bankers are really […]

Nuclear Fusion Energy Coming Closer

Scientists have at last created fusion in California, albeit not yet hot fusion to power energy plants. Nevertheless, progress is being made and this will be the next energy source after 2032. Based upon our models, there should be a major innovation that changes the economic structure after 2032 and it is most likely going […]

Global Warming Why it is Nonsense

A few people have written to say I have a closed mind with respect to the impact humans can have on the environment. I dare say flip the coin – you are assuming we have the capacity to alter the planet as if we were God. I have investigated this very carefully. Like markets, yes […]

Tis the Season for War

Tis the season for war and tensions continue to rise on every possible front. I have received so many questions as to how can our Cycle of War be so accurate. This is not a single dimension analysis. It is not my personal opinion. I am not a talking head to fill air time with […]

Global Market Watch February 12th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 12th, 2014. Global Market Watch

White House Selling Debt to Americans – Bringing it Back Home

The idea that Obama is doing anything for the people because he cares is just claims that illustrate the sheer stupidity of those who argue such nonsense. They will believe whatever their political party has to say because they are effectively mindless drones and that applies to both camps. These people tend to be followers […]

Bankers Forced to Swear Oaths in Netherlands

In the Netherlands, they are making bankers swear an oath to God that they will do everything honorable to uphold the confidence in the financial system. I suppose there will be an awful lot of bankers going to prison in the Netherlands after 2015.75. They would have been better off passing a law that they […]

Global Warming & Random Walk Theory Have a Lot in Common – They are Both Nuts

Global Warming is clearly a bunch of hot air. It seems to be a theory made up by a bunch of guys that got drunk one night and said – Hey man! It is warmer this season than last! Wow! We must have caused that man! Word! This is the coldest year day after day on […]