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Ukraine – More than 100,000 taking to the streets

The protest in Ukraine are getting really out of hand. Even the Russians have now said this is too much. Over 100,000 people have responded with violence as the President ignores the people and the corruption is simply our of control. This is turning into war on the city streets. Here is a video from […]

Politicians – Sometimes Just a Scam

The Mayor of city of Kharkov(Ukraine) Michael Dobkin, trying to make a public announcement. Hopeless. This video is from 2007. It symbolizes the plight against corruption in Ukraine.

You have no Idea – Is Technology Capable of Reading Minds?

To some, they think the NSA is perfectly fine for they respond – I have nothing to hide. However, what if it were not just emails and SMS they intercept, but your thought? Would you still feel the same way? What these people fail to grasp is you cannot hide anything – even your thoughts! […]

Global Market Watch January 21, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 21st, 2014. Global Market Watch

Demands for Political Reform in Thailand Growing

The uprising against political corruption in Thailand is rising now quite steadily. Even the healthcare workers are joining in demanding postponing the February elections and instituting political reform. The army has a history of stepping in but so far have stood by. We are seeing a rising trend against political corruption on a global scale. […]

Gold Confusion – Part II

Some people have written saying there is no “July” contract in COMEX. Actually, there is ALWAYS a current month contract for that is the SPOT month. It is just that the futures tend to skip a month for active traders so there was a June and then they jump to August. However, there always has […]

Confusion in Gold

The collapse in interest rates has led to a very unstable environment as far as the traditional interest and carrying cost for gold and other commodities. Of course people have made a big deal out this BACKWARDATION claiming it is a sign of real bullishness and manipulation. In truth, it is simply the interest and […]

Thailand & Ukraine – The Common Link

    Behind the Headlines for both Thailand and Ukraine, the mainstream press has ONLY given one side of the story. In the case of Thailand, this paint it only as the rural poor against the rich and in Ukraine they paint it as purely the youth upside for not joining Europe. The other dimension […]

Political Change is in the Wind – Welcome 2014-2016

Nigel Farage’s EuroSkeptic Party has emerged as the NUMBER ONE party in Britain. This is right in line with our models and Britain tends to be 2 years ahead of the USA. This was evidenced even during the Great Depression where Britain bottomed 2 years ahead of the USA when it abandoned the Gold Standard […]

Cash = Money Laundering

It is actually a documented fact that unless you have cash that was hidden from the 1930s, the likelihood of there being drug residue on the notes is greater than 80% with $100 bills. They can seize cash now under money laundering laws and it becomes your burden to proven even why you have the […]