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Global Market Watch January 13th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 13th, 2014.

Extraordinarily Interesting the Sound of Pi

Civil Unrest Rising – Protesters now Threatened with 15 years in Prison

In Bangkok, the rising tide in anti-government demonstrations has led to a warning that any disruption of air traffic controllers may now result in a 15 year prison term. We are seeing this same trend against free speech appearing around the world. In Spain it is a €600,000 fine to protest in Parliament. As socialism continues […]

Taxes & Legal Wordsmithing. One’s Interpretation is never Another’s

In the tax code there are provisions that clearly state that payment for employment is taxable defining wages as “all remuneration for employment.” However, when a company closes down and tries to be fair to its employees providing severance payments, as in the case of Quality Stores, you are receiving money not for employment. Clearly, […]

The Tax Hunt is for Anyone – not just the Rich!

  The hunt for money as government get desperate is destroying the world economy but also the lives of so many people. I have reported previously how a 14-year-old cannot open an account in Switzerland because his mother is American, his father is Swiss, and he was born in Switzerland never traveling to the USA. […]

Panic of 1683

Vienna Battle, 1683 The Financial Panic of 1683 emerged from the Battle of Vienna on September 12 when the Ottoman Empire laid siege to the city for two months which was finally broken with the arrival of a force of 70,000 Polish, Austrians and Germans under the Polish-Lithuanian king Jan III Sobieski. The siege of Vienna […]

Collectibles Are Still in Bull Market

The first gold coin produced in the American Colonies is known as the 1787 Brasher Doubloon that was just sold at the Heritage auction for $4,582,500. Ancient coins are generally up substantially over the last 10 years with pieces that sold for $20,000 in 1994 bringing today $150,000 to $200,000. Money continues to move out of […]

Civil Unrest Erupting in Turkey

This weekend, 20,000 people in the Turkish capital Ankara renewed their protests against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Democracy is really under the spotlight in Turkey. This appears to be a movement that is on the rise in Turkey.

Education of Heads of State

An interesting study comparison of the education background of heads of state around the globe reveals our problem. Most of the educated people in government in the USA seem to be lawyers. In Europe, they tend to be not idealists. China has leaders schooled in economics and business. Very curious comparison.

Do Government Always Default?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is there any exception to the Sovereign Debt Crisis? Has any government survived? Thanks HJ ANSWER: No. There is no exception whatsoever. Countries such as Spain were at the top of their game – the richest in the world. They borrowed against every ship because they could not wait for the money. […]