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New Services

For those who are only interested in a few select markets, we will be offering the Global Market Watch on just singular markets for those not interested in the world. We will also have reduced Global Market Watch where you do not get the detail on several layers, just the Top layer at a substantially […]

Ukraine a Glimpse of what is to come?

The protests in Ukraine demonstrate how all governments respond. Even England went after kids trying to organize on Twitter. The governments monitor everything now to head-off protests. A 12-year old in England found that out the hard way. The US arrested a man for using Twitter to help protesters evade police. In Ukraine, after weeks […]

Unemployed Youth Exceed 200 million

A United Nation study has reported that about 206 million people are now unemployed. This is the cost of socialism taxing the rich so there is no job creation with nearly half of that number amounting to youth under 25 years old. The economy on a global scale is terribly weak. This UN annual report […]

Thailand of the Verge of State of Emergency

  The violence in Bangkok is mounting. This is an effort by some to overthrow the government as a weekend just past with violence in the capital city of Bangkok. The protesters have been trying for more than two months to bring down the government in a Marxist uprising of the poor against the rich, […]

Wildcat Banks

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank and caused a depression and sovereign debt defaults appears to be a different view than what is talked about in the gold community. Could you explain your […]

New Global Market Watch Up and Running

  The New Global Market Watch is up. You can click on the link below and then click of any individual market in the GMW page. This will take you to the second level for a more detailed look at that market. While this is not perfect, it is purely a pattern recognition model that […]

Riots Getting Worse in Ukraine Right Now

  Protests are going on right now in Kiev. The government is using water canons and flash grenades against the youth. The government in power is determined to link with Russia while the youth see their liberty and future vanishing before their eyes. We have people actually on the ground there so this info may […]

Comprehending the Trend in Motion

COMMENT: Like many, panicked out of market in October ’08, (lost on stocks value and currency) and did not get back in properly. Sovereign debt crises globally results in loss of confidence in own currency, but equal loss of confidence in other currencies. Although many talk about deflation, what we see is the constant rise in […]

Asset Allocation Model for Individuals

  We are working this weekend to get new features up for the sites. We are setting up the payment systems and automatic downloads for purchases, the layered Global Market Watch and we will be soon providing an Asset Allocation Service for Individuals. The Institutional Services monitor every stock, futures market, currency, everywhere within the […]

Asset Allocation & New Expanded Models

QUESTION: Marty; Have you got your Asset Allocation models up and running? We would like to come to the Conference if you will be doing what you use to do for us years ago. It is a long trip from the Middle East as you know. Best regards; AE ANSWER: Yes. The Asset Allocation Model […]