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Panic of 1791

During the early years of Washington’s Administration, Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, strive diligently to establish a sound system of banking in an effort to stabilize the currency of the nation. However, due to failure of Continental Currency and the lack of immediate convertibility into the proposed federal US dollar, speculation and volatility plagued […]

Panic of 1792


Panic of 1720 (South Sea Bubble – London)

  South Sea Bubble originated plan was that of the English statesman Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford. The scheme was a debt-for-equity swap in 1711, whereby the idea was to retire the floating national debt of Great Britain. Under the scheme, the debt was assumed by merchants to whom the government guaranteed for a […]

Panic of 1720 (Mississippi Bubble Paris)


Panic of 1637 (Tulipmania)

Panic of 1683 (Rye House Plot)

Trial of Lord William Russell (1639-83) Rye House Plot, name given to a conspiracy organized in 1683 by members of the Whig party in England for the assassination of King Charles II of England and his brother the duke of York, later James II, king of England. The victims were to be killed as they […]

Panics of the 21st Century

    Panic 2000 Panic 2007-2009 Panic 2015-2017  

Panic 2007-2009

  Chronology of Events 2007-2009

Panic 2000

Panic 1980