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Ford Exec Slips and Says the Truth – Now Tries to Take His Words Back

Some time ago I reported that every car has a black box and in that is recorded how fast you have EVER driven, when and where. It is a record of everything. Jim Farley is Ford’s Global VP of Marketing and Sales. He recently told the truth and then tried to retract his words. What he said, […]

Gold Beware 1152

The Monthly Bearish Reversal lies at 1152 and the drop previously was to 1151.40. A monthly closing beneath this 1152 area will open the door to a further decline. The technical support lines up also with the 1980 high area of $875. The first quarter here in 2014 looks choppy, but thereafter, get ready for […]

Education becoming a Fraud?

I have reported that over 60% of students cannot find work in the field of their major upon graduation, I have been asked to teach at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. I was shocked in a private meeting they admitted what they were teaching in economics did not work. Nevertheless, they […]

Hedge Funds are now Too Big to Fail Qualifying them for Seizure if $100 billion+

The Federal Reserve began as a simple private sector clearing house/insurance fund, which is why the banks were the owners. Yes, the Fed was given the power to create money that was to be ELASTIC. They would create money during a bank panic to satisfy demand and then shrink it when depositors return to the […]

Global Market Watch January 9th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 9th, 2014.

What Are we Waiting for in Markets?

At some point we will experience a Cycle Inversion meaning the targets remain the same, but what we get is the opposite event. Why will this INVERT? At some point the THINKING process must flip whereas the FLIGHT to quality has been traditionally people sell private assets and run to government paper. But what happens […]

Library & Research

Books & Research Materials – Recommended Reading (Third-Party Books) Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure White Earth Effect Statistical Information Base Population The Euro Design & Crisis+ The Euro in Crisis Rule of Law & Political Movements+ Rule of Law Assassination – tool of Revolution Solutions & Proposals+ Solution to our Crisis Sovereign Debt Crisis Cyprus Proposal […]

Euro – Cycle Inversion or Phase Transition

QUESTION: Martin In your latest post you go into very good detail of how the Euro continues to be strong(although it has been noted the model expected it to fall) and that when the Euro does fall it will take the European markets with it. Are we to assume that if the dollar does rally it […]

Dollar Bears May Be Slaughtered

  The dollar bears still outnumber the bulls by nearly 10 to 1. The primary argument has been the QE and this idea that the quantity of money somehow determines its value. But like everything else, it is just not so easy said nor done. This is like looking at one side of a coin […]

Global Market Watch January 8th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 8th, 2014.