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AfD is now in Second Place in German Polls

Many people have initially said that the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party would never rise. The AFD has now has risen to the second highest party in Germany. It is truly astonishing that people just never look at history. I have received many emails from Germany asking how could I have forecast that they […]

Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever

The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the start of 2018, there have been totally spotless days for weeks. The sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply declined and this is not going to end well. […]

Gold is Turning Up with the Pi Target & may Rally into the Next 2020

Gold has broken out above the Downtrend Line and is poised to retest that going into the Pi turning point on the Economic Confidence Model target in November. If the market bounces off this technical support and rallies after the Pi turning point, then we should expect gold to rally to test the Yearly Bullish […]

Governments Are Just Going Broke

The events in the Senate concerning the nomination of  Brett Kavanaugh’s illustrates that career politicians are destroying our way of life because they are so intent on just beating the opposite party that nobody is paying attention to the real problems we are staring at straight in its eyes. We face a very dark future because there […]

Kavanaugh is the Tipping Point for Decline & Fall of the United States

Kavanaugh’s hearing exposed the serious fact that the US Congress has become too polarized to even govern. What has been done to Kavanaugh is a serious disgrace for if the allegations of Ford are true, then she is at fault for not bringing charges back then and claiming it has defined her life. NOBODY should be allowed […]

Marriage on the Decline but So is Divorce?

The big hoopla is that the divorce rate has declined among Millennials. University of Maryland professor Philip Cohen found that from 2008 to 2016, the U.S. divorce rate dropped by 18%. Around the globe, the number of unmarried women has been rising The numbers seem to point to women and men are not simply postponing marriage, […]

Silver v Gold Standard

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You do not give much credence to the world returning to a gold standard. Didn’t the entire world use the gold standard before? Thank you for your input JK   ANSWER: The entire world has NEVER been on the gold standard simultaneously. Asia was on a silver standard while the West was on […]

Chicago Police Have a CIA Style Interrogation but with Americans

There has been a long-running scary report about how the Chicago police department has been operating a clandestine off-the-books interrogation compound where they take Americans, hold them there with no lawyers or rights, and just threaten you without any oversight. Americans who have been snatched up by the Chicago police are unable to be found by […]

Is Nature Preparing for a New Ice Age or a Pole Shift?

There is a very curious connection between lakes and volcanos in the Arctic. I just posted how there are kilotons of CO2 coming out of volcanos. There is a similar thing now showing up in lakes in the Arctic as well. There are about 300 lakes across the tundras of the Arctic. However, a scientist reports that she […]

Gov Cuomo says People are Fleeing NY Because of Weather not Taxes

New York State Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo has blamed the upstate extremely cold weather (Global Warming) for the reason people have been fleeing his state NOT taxes. This comes as no surprise, for Democrats are closet Marxists and love more taxes and assume the people love to be taxed and always ask for more. Like the Global Warming […]