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Misrepresenting Our Forecast for the Start of Big Bang 2015.75

COMMENT: I find it really shocking how people are slandering you claiming you forecast that 2015.75 would be the collapse of everything instead of the peak in governments and the beginning of the decline and fall. You have made that very clear that this was the turning point to begin the change. It was the […]

The International Politics is Impacting Where People Can Travel

COMMENT: Marty; I don’t think you realize that when Nigel Farage said your events are the alternative to Davos, there is no other event that has such attendance. I have been to other trading conferences. They are lucky to have half your attendance and you have more institutions than even Davos. I know you keep […]

Market Talk – November 1, 2019

ASIA: The Asia Pacific trade pact is in jeopardy of stalling after India voiced last minute hesitations. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would free trade between 16 countries whose collective GDP composes 1/3 of the global economy. Leaders from all 16 nations are set to meet in Bangkok on Monday. However, India voiced reluctancy […]

Market Talk – October 31, 2019

ASIA: The US is not the only one suffering the ill effects of the trade war, as China announced its sixth consecutive month of manufacturing declines. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) fell to 49.3 in October from 49.8 the month prior. A reading below 50 signals a contraction. Non-manufacturing fell as well to 52.8 in […]

Where to Go?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am originally from Saskatchewan and I still own farmland there. (Sask will separate along with Alberta). I currently live in British Columbia. Given global cooling, earthquakes, the commodity boom, civil unrest, global war, Alberta Separation, the rise of China…..Where do I take my family and young son? Thanks for all of […]

Market Talk – October 30, 2019

ASIA: Chile has canceled the APEC summit due to domestic protests. The summit was due to take place next month where it was expected that the US and China may sign an agreement for “phase 1” of the trade deal. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today that the deal is still expected to be […]

Market Talk – October 29, 2019

ASIA: According to Reuters, a US official has said that a lot of progress needs to be done in drafting the US-China deal and will not be ready in time for the meeting in Chile. “Our goal is to sign it in Chile. But sometimes texts aren’t ready. But good progress is being made and we expect […]

Trump – Person v President

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Donald Trump is the president of the world’s largest economy. Is it the world changing when China become the world’s largest economy? With being categorical like analytic person, defensive like a relationship person and impulsive like a social person president Trump is not the normal creative US person liking to rule the […]

This Year’s World Economic Conference

We'd like to thank everyone who joined us at the World Economic Conference in Orlando. We'd especially like to thank our returning clients for their loyalty and continued support.

If you were not able to attend, we will be providing a video of the event shortly.

Is Trump Just a Product of the Times?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, Donald Trump is the president of the world’s largest economy. Is it the world changing when China become the world’s largest economy? With being categorical like analytic person, defensive like a relationship person and impulsive like a social person president Trump is not the normal creative US person liking to rule the […]