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Market Talk- April 19th, 2017

Most of the talk yesterday concerned Europe and specifically the UK’s snap election decision by the PM, Theresa May. In Asia, we saw the reaction to the news which resulted in most core indices closing lower on the day; with the only positive from core being the Nikkei, but even then only just! The Yen […]

Market Talk – April 18, 2017

We saw a mixed session in Japan today with the Nikkei bouncing from yesterdays lows eventually closing up +0.35% whilst the currency rejected the 107 handle last trading mid 108 level. Shanghai has lost -0.8% also watching the Hang Seng give up 1.4%. It should be no surprise that markets are feeling jittery given current […]

Market Talk – April 17, 2017

Weekend tensions continue to push money into safe-havens with the yen a good example of the flow. Gold, Treasuries and cash have also performed over the weekend. Trading down to the low 108’s, its lowest level since last November but still well above the August sub-par level. The Nikkei reversed early losses however and eventually […]

Market Talk – April 13, 2017

Currency, namely YEN, was the main talking point for the day as then yen approached 109 over Two big figures on the week. This obviously the currency move hit the Nikkei which closed down -0.7% all surrounding the on-going geopolitical concerns. Late in US trading news that the USA had dropped a large devise on […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2017

Asia traded heavy with the yen making new recent highs in the continued flight to quality/safety. Interesting we have seen such a tight trading range as we near almost half year lows and in rather thin volume. The blame continues to be placed at the feet of geopolitical tensions, France’s upcoming elections and the uncertainty […]

Market Talk – April 11, 2017

Nervous markets again with US military positioning headlines for most of the session and that led to safety moves back into the JPY. Having broken the 111 handle early, next target was the 110 handle. Many did not expect the US trading hours to take it as far as it did (109.65 -1.1% last) levels […]

Market Talk – April 10, 2017

Asia saw a mixed session today with almost everyone discussing the rising geopolitical tensions in the region. The initial move into safe-haven trades appeared to be short-lived and so we saw yen trade back into the mid 111 range having rejected the 110’s. The DXY closed strong on Friday and continues to trade strong. Exporters […]

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria

With all the attacks upon Trump as having some covert connection with Putin to defeat Hillary when nothing hacked from the DNC was ever said to have been faked or altered, just released, one must wonder has this suddenly influenced Trump to attack Syria to prove he is not in league with Putin? If the […]

Market Talk- April 7th, 2017

The main talking point affecting markets in Asia and indeed the rest of the world from the early hours trading was the US military action from the Mediterranean Sea. Safe haven assets were bid with bonds, gold and oil seeing good buying while the nerves found money being taken off the table in equity markets. […]

Market Talk- April 6, 2017

Japan was the major mover in Asian trade that followed the sentiment set by the afternoons reversal in US stocks. The Nikkei fell around 1.4%. The yen traded back to previous highs as again it was pushing against the 110 resistance level. Shanghai continued its run after the long weekend, eventually closing +0.35 higher again. […]