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Why We Should Be Concerned About NSA

The revelations that Snowden has shown the world has exposed a real conspiracy against the people. It is not dark sinister groups trying to collapse the economy to create a new world of Communism, that was the fad back in Rockefeller’s day. They actually believed Communism would work and be fair. The USA adopted Marxism […]

Is Anyone Really in Charge?

COMMENT: Hi Marty I think your take on conspiracy theories is refreshing especially to someone like me who is little leaning towards them.   While I am happy to concede that there is no one truly behind the curtain isn’t it bad enough that there are forces definitely TRYING to control the world which ultimately cannot […]

Global Market Watch Dec 31, 2013

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 31st, 2013.

My Long-Term Goals

QUESTION: The cycles are real and impressive, but very hard to calculate without you telling us the dates/time frames. Therefore, if something ever happened to you I don’t know what I would do. I will have the understanding that these cycles exist, but ultimately will have to fall back on the technicals (Reversal days, resistance/support, trendlines, […]

Year End Closing Numbers

  Year-End 2013 Number   The Year 2013 has been a great year for equities and a rough year for commodities. Gold has put in its worst performance since 1981 while the Nikkei has put in its best performance since 1972. As we look ahead, 2014 will begin the rise in Civil Unrest that will […]

Bluehost Site Was Down System Wide – It was Not An Attack on Us This Time.

If that should happen again, go to  

It is all Connected – US Population Growth Collapsing & That Fits In Nicely with the Economic Collapse

Everything is connected. The correlations are complex yet predictable. I have stated numerous times that the more affluent a society becomes, the slower the growth rate. Then add uncertainty and it gets much worse. The population of Rome collapsed and this defeats the Ponzi scheme of how governments assume they will always have a rising […]

JibJab’s 2013 What a Year


  The Roman god Janus is who January is named after. He is pictured with one face looking backwards and the other forward in time. He was the tradition of New Years Eve looking at the past and being optimistic of the new year to come. In that sense, he was all about cycles and […]

What Kind of Trader is Trading

COMMENT: Trading: I cannot do stock trading on the exchange as I will always loose.Trading is a zero sum business if you include seller, buyer and bank/broker fees.I believe that the winner on trading are the banks and the brokers. I believe that “Naked” trading and speculation by the big banks has ruined the free market and […]