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Our own Economic Survey

As the U.S. economy enters its fifth year of expansion after the worst recession in seven decades, our own leading survey we conduct with retail merchants report on average that this has been the best year in retail business since 2006. It did not top the sales of 2006, but every year since. We will […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]

Government Creates Crime Waves?

COMMENT: Marty: Your blog on prostitution has created quite a stir. I agree with you while I would prefer the profession did not exist, making it an underground affair makes it worse. I watched the movie Taken several years ago, a truly heartbreaking movie. What I really enjoyed was the graph of homicide with government […]

Cities Are Reviving Debtor’s Prison Because they Are Broke

    The latest trend in this entire saga of the Sovereign Debt Crisis, is that because of fiscal mismanagement, government always turns against the people to sustain their existence. Now they are imprisoning people who cannot pay a fine. This is why we really have no free society. They get to do whatever they […]

Merry Christmas To All – Even those in Europe Who Sent This


Christmas Delayed?

Global Market Watch Dec 24th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 24th, 2013.

Crime Rises With Economic Decline As Does Nationaism – It is a Direct Correlation

COMMENT: Your story (of the little girl) tears at my heart.  However, it is one thing to feel sorry for her, but another to do something to actually help her. A few years ago, we adopted three little girls who were born to drug addict parents.  I wonder how difficult it would be to start […]

Gold The Real Long-Term View & Year-End Indicator

  Spot Gold 1789 – 2012 Here is gold in NOMINAL dollars back to the start of the USA in 1789. Taking the 1869 high and the 1980 high, the support starts in the 1100 level. But the oscillators are high and that was another confirmation that what goes up must come down. The closing […]


QUESTION: I was recently in London and the discussion turned to you. It was suggested that Warren Buffet was behind trying to destroy Princeton Economics after you cost him on his billion silver deal. Do you think that is true? HK ANSWER: I have no idea. I know people reviewed the case in London and […]