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You Never Know

COMMENT: You are right.  Christ did say that but also added “go and sin no more”.   The Movie – Taken REPLY: Yes. It is not defending what someone does, but it is giving them the opportunity to change assuming the conduct is even voluntary. If they do not change, that is on them. This would apply […]

The Practical Solution

Some have written that my view on Prostitution may be worldly, but not religious. I have always taken the view just as Matthew 7:1 states “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” People will be people.  That is why there is a heaven and hell for both types. However, the young girls that are runaways […]

2014 Conferences

We will be accepting Reservations and Payments Starting January 1st, 2014 for the Training Conference March 23rd, and the World Economic Conference March 25 & 26. See Upcoming Conferences The Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference will include a special over-view of the Precious Metals  and when will the next Bull Market actually […]

Global Market Watch Dec 23rd

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 23rd, 2013.

French Reality

Have you planned something for your retirement because  it does not tempt me to pay for you LeSoleil ( )

Feliz Navidad – Happy Holidays To All

ECard For All  

Canada Supreme Court Struck Down Anti-Prostitution Laws

Women’s rights and religious leaders are all upset because the Canadian Supreme Court struck down in the entirety the anti-prostitution laws. What they fail to comprehend is that laws will never stop human nature. You cannot legislate religion. One person’s belief is another’s persecution. The economic decline of Rome was blamed on the Christians for […]

History of Dow Jones

1882-1902 The founding of Dow Jones was established by Charles Dow, Edward Jones and Charles Bergstresser who over two decades conceive and commence three products which define Dow Jones and financial journalism: The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The founders state their commitment to excellence in the Journal’s […]

Theory v Observation & Plagiarism

QUESTION: Thank you Mr. Armstrong for opening my eyes. I now realize why you have been able to do what you do. It is experience not theory. You have learned from doing rather them contemplating how the world should work. My question is, do you ever stop learning? I now begin to see how some […]

Panic of 1907

Panic of 1907 The Panic of 1907 came after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and that exposed the entire problem of regional internal capital flows within the United States caused by the business cycle and the great variety of localized economies. Indeed, such a period of a temporary shortage burst forth during the Panic of 1907 and […]