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Free Markets Always Win

QUESTION: Hello Martin. Recently you stated “The entire central banking system is in serious trouble. They have manipulated rates lower but fear what happens when the economic pressure forces as rise.” In your opinion do any “free markets” exist or is the “black market” the only true free market left? And if all “markets” are manipulated how can there […]

Fed Balance Sheet hits $4 trillion

The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet expanded to a record $4 trillion in the week ended December 18th. The Fed balance sheet has expanded thanks to QE  buying $85 billion a month in Treasurys and mortgage related assets since last January. The Fed’s balance sheet has expanded from $891 billion in 2007 without creating inflation. This is […]

Global Market Watch Dec 20th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 20th, 2013.

Dow Jones Outlook

The Dow made new highs and achieved the high closing yesterday and this has set the stage for a rally that could extend into Monday/Tuesday next week. A closing above 1611225 today will signal that some further upside is likely. Keep in mind that we are pressing against key resistance in the 16650 area. The […]

Puerto Rico Teachers Protesting over Cuts in Pensions

A reader from Puerto Rico writes: “Teachers took over the PR Capitol to demonstrate against the move of the government to reform their pension funds.  Puerto Rico is a preview of whats coming.  Thanks for all your work!!” Indeed, you have to find this story way down in New Zealand. So much of this pension […]

Model Design – Hey Look at This!

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe reading between the lines, you discovered something incredibly important yet everyone looks at you in the wrong way as if this is all some theory you began with in the traditional manner. Things like random walk are theories to justify someone who could not discover anything so they created a […]

Global Market Watch Dec 19th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 19th, 2013.

Glen Downs & Martin Armstrong Conversation from Capitol Hill Dec 19th

Telephone Conversation December 19th, 2013 – 28 minutes total

NSA Task Force Report – Are We Entitled To Our Files?

The White House task force report on the NSA has shocked many proving that Snowden is indeed a hero and not a traitor. The report has revealed that not even those who supervised the NSA knew what was going on. The Task Force recommends sweeping reforms that Obama really cannot now ignore. The report was released […]

Ukraine – Strategic From Every Side

All our sources confirm that Russia pulled out all the stops to get Ukraine on its side besides taking $15 billion of its debt, it cut the cost of gas by 1/3rd. The EU has its head in a cloud and cannot see that its structure is absurd. But to revise it now means a […]