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French Strikes in Energy

The French refinery workers at Total have staged several days of strikes over annual pay increases, with production units gradually shutting down. Workers led by the CGT union have been on strike since last Friday over annual wage negotiations. Total’s management offered annual pay rises of up to 1.5 percent, which was rejected by the CGT.

India Will Not Reverse Policy Against Gold Imports

India has announced it will not reverse its policy against gold imports.

Global Market Watch for Dec 18th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 18th, 2013.


QUESTION: I am a professor in Physics. What you have explained in your structure of the universe inter-connectivity is really amazing. You should write about your observations for I suspect you have revealed very little of what you have actually uncovered. JG ANSWER: You are correct. Everything is the same structure of inter-connectivity be it […]

2017.05 Ideal Target for the Cycle Inversion in Thinking

QUESTION: Hello Martin So what I can understand about the potential upcoming cycle inversion is that it will not produce a phase transition in equities going into Sept 2014 but after Oct 2015. Is that correct ? Also when is the earliest that we will know if this phase transition will occur ? Thank you again […]

Deutsche Bank and Magnum

QUESTION: I invested in your public funds at Deutsche Bank and Magnum. Your performance was unbelievable. Will you ever manage money again? We could really use you now. Best regards; GH ANSWER: No. That is really a 7 day a week job 21 hours on call and I still have a hard time sleeping more […]

Turkey is on the Verge of Real Civil Unrest

There has been a clash going on between the PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan who sees himself as governing Putin Style and the rising religious factions that was to take the country to Islamic law rules by religion. Keep an eye here as well. This turn in the Cycle of War seems to be signally unrest absolutely […]

Dow Caution Is Necessary

The Dow Jones Industrials rallied sharply with the Fed starting to taper. We have a near double top but today was a turning point and this week was also a target for a Panic Cycle which seems to be on point. However, while the market remains strong long-term, there are signs of some exhaustion starting […]

Fed Tapers Letting As Always the Lame Duck Do the Job

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced plans to trim its aggressive bond-buying program by $10 billion but will maintain its key interest rate at low levels for even longer than previously promised. This is precisely the way things always go in Washington. Granted, only a 12% of the analysts thought the Fed would Taper today pushing […]

Is 40,000 on the Dow Enough?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You have said that the Dow could reach 40,000 by 2032. That is a compound annual growth rate of 4.94%. Is that even enough to rescue the pension funds, or are they doomed regardless? Thanks, MB ANSWER: No it is not. The projection of 40,000-42,000 is a NORMAL projection, and not […]