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Coronavirus & Next Great Depression

Many questions have been coming in about how will this impact the economy post-Coronavirus. Suffice it to say, despite the fact that the analysis used by the academics has been clearly debunked based solely on guessing, the damage to the economy has been permanent. Now even Dr. Deborah Birx is trying to explain that these […]

Market Talk – March 26, 2020

ASIA: India announced an economic stimulus package worth $22.5 billion on Thursday to help millions of low-income households cope with a 21-day lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak. The package will be disbursed through food security measures for poor households and through direct cash transfers to the beneficiaries’ bank accounts directly. India banned exports of […]

Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?

Some people have wondered who is behind the John Hopkins University map. Is there a political connection or is this just academic incompetence? I believe it clearly warrants investigation. The people behind this graphic should be hauled into the Senate under subpoena. What they have done with a misleading graphic is virtually overthrowing all human […]

Managing Money v Teaching You How to Survive

QUESTION: Marty, they have always called you the Legend. You have proved that you are probably the greatest trader that ever existed. You not only have choreographed when the correction would start, but you have held our hand through this entire decline. Again you said the market would decline into the 23 of March and […]

Market Talk – March 24, 2020

ASIA: India announced a nationwide lockdown starting at midnight to contain the novel coronavirus. The duration of the lockdown will be 21 days. India also announced 21.5 million USD of fund allocation to strengthen the health infrastructure in the country. The total cases of coronavirus have surpassed 500 in India. India’s central bank, the Reserve […]

The Democrat’s Plot Against Americans

The coup that has been waged from the left against the right is an all-out global political war. They succeeded in bringing Germany to its knees and surrender its culture of austerity. Here in the United States, the Democrats have coordinated with these dark forces seeking not only same-day registration to allow illegal aliens to […]

Is this a Staged Political Coup on a Grand International Level?

COMMENT: Hi Marty, No one has been more spot on before the deluge than you in calling these moves. Have you ever seen such idiocy in all your life as is on full display today with these politicians jockeying for position, cramming their pet projects into the bailouts and trying to without support for funding while the […]

Market Talk – March 23, 2020

ASIA: In an effort to counter the coronavirus outbreak in the country, 75 districts across India, including major cities such as the capital New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Kolkata have been placed under travel, work, and movement restrictions until March 31. So far, India has reported 415 active cases of coronavirus, including 7 […]

Has the Press been Scolded for Assisting in Creating this Panic?

Behind the Curtain, the press has been scolded in their part of creating this panic. The senior management has even woken up that they are committing suicide for as they assist in the destruction of the economy, they themselves are witnessing cancelation of advertising. You have to hurt them where it counts. The LA Times […]

Is Anthony Fauci the Destroyer of Worlds?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you very much for your dedication and hard-work educating those people that are willing to listen. Thank you for being here with us during these turbulent times and being that beacon of light we need so desperately. When do you foresee this chaos to end? People are afraid and are acting really […]